Chapter 23

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  My head hurts, I rubbed my temples and opened my eyes slowly. I hissed at the pain and fell back into bed and I regretted it, my sensitive head protested against that.

"Look who's waking up." Sebastian said in a bored tone. I rolled my eyes at him.

  "For how long did I sleep?" I asked and waited for him to answer. He looked like he wasn't going to reply to that until he said.

  "Let's see, twelve hours?" He said sarcastically.

"What?" I jumped and cold air hit my bare legs. My legs bare? I looked at Sebastian and my legs and cocked my head waiting for him to explain. He didn't offer any but instead handed me a cup of lemonade.

"Here, drink this." I accepted it without a fuss and downed it all in one go. "Good girl." He praised and I gave the glass back to him. I looked at the clock by the bedside and groaned loudly. It was 4 in the morning. Why wasn't he in bed yet?

"Why are you still awake?" I asked him.

  "I just couldn't sleep." I felt like he was lying. I moved to the edge of the large bed and looked up at him.

  "What's wrong?" I prodded.

   "Nothing, honestly." He avoided my gaze and went back to his phone. I snatched it from him and raised it over my head.

  "I'm not giving you back until you've told me what wrong with you." I persisted.

  "Don't be stubborn. It's nothing, OK?" He was adamant about it. I handed him his phone back with a sad look I tried to sport into indifference.

  "Sure." I touched the necklace around my neck and fiddled with it. My stomach rumbled. I fidgeted with my bracelet as I got up to grab a bite or two to eat. I turned on the lights and helped myself to some cereal. I was too lazy to think of anything else. I nipped slowly on a fruit loop. I ate slowly and tried not to think about Sebastian. I finished eating, cleared up and turned the lights off as I speed walked back to my room.

  I found him relaxed on the couch in my room. I just silently went back to bed. I wasn't feeling sleepy so I sat up, my head against the headboard. He soon got up and came to sit beside me in bed. He then laid his head on my lap facing my stomach. My hands automatically went to his hair. His arms wrapped around me and he took a deep calming breath.

  "You smell," he sniffed and my stomach tightened, "so amazing." Should I say thank you or call him a perv?

  "Thank you?" I muttered unsure. He just laughed. His hand lifted my shirt a tad bit up and revealed my belly button to him. I wanted to pull it down because the scar was there. I gripped the sheets to keep from hiding.

  "Don't do that." He pleaded gently. I relaxed and let him see. "Beautiful," he said as he placed his lips lightly on it making my stomach tighten. He kissed my stomach again and I felt hot all over. My fingers tangled in his hair and tugged gently. My eyes drooped but I wasn't sleepy, it was in pleasure and I bit my lip.

  "Sebastian," I moaned softly and I could feel his smirk on my stomach. His hands cradled beneath the shirt I was wearing, spreading delicious sparks all over my body. He trailed down my body with his hands and back up again just below my breasts. He sat up in one quick motion and placed me on his lap so that I straddled him, his member poking me. His lips came crashing down on mine urgently. His hands grasped my hips and squeezed hard. I tugged at his hair as I tried to match his delicious assault of my mouth, he still tasted of tequila faintly. He dragged his lips away from my mouth but it wasn't to catch his breath as he continued down my neck, nipping hard to leave marks. For a moment there, I almost forgot he could kiss a dead fish to life, corny? Don't mind me. His lips trailed down my neck to the valley between my breasts. I bit back a moan but failed as he nipped there too. I moved against him, suddenly aware of him all over again. His hand was hungrily roaming my back.

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