Chapter 1

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Allison's POV.

I ran. I ran as fast I could. I didn't look back because I kept running and the only thing on my mind was how I must escape and be safe. I continued running. Only God knows how long I've been running but I won't stop until I'm sure of safety. I don't know if someone was after me or not the most important thing was that I should be safe. Tears blurred my vision but I didn't stop. I just kept running. I held my bleeding arm tightly and I zone in and out of consciousness but I wouldn't stop running. I ran and ran until I didn't see a car in front of me and I ran into it. I let out a heart wrenching cry as I fell unconscious with a loud thud on the road. Before I gave in to the darkness surrounding me, I heard someone say 'oh shit' and I blacked out.

I fell in and out of consciousness and I was put into a car. I slipped out of consciousness. Cold air rushed into my ears and I felt myself being held by someone with the person screaming for help. It was too far away, shuffling of feet, shouting and my eyes refused to open.

"She's lost so much blood." I heard someone whisper. Or was it a whisper? I didn't know. Was the person talking about me? It seemed all the attention was on me and I didn't want that. I struggled but my legs and arms felt like lead. I couldn't move them, not the slightest movement. I tried harder but I didn't make any progress. I finally peeled my eyes open and I saw a blurry image of a man still holding me. The blurry image said when he looked down at me. "She's opening her eyes." He said desperately.

"Who are you?" I said but he didn't hear me. I tried to keep my eyes open but to no avail as darkness clutched me into its firm grip. I blacked out again.

I opened my eyes and light blocked my vision. I quickly shut them back and opened them slowly this time. I let my eyes adjust to the unfamiliar room. It has white endless walls, it was like those walls had me confused and I struggled to get up. I felt a sharp pain in my hand and looked down to see an IV drip connected to my right arm. Hospital, so I'm in the hospital I thought and forced myself to remember how I got here. I reached a dead end at all of my attempts to remember. I looked around and I saw no one. I was running, I remember and I got hit by a car. I resigned and fell back into the hospital bed. I shut my eyes tight and tears seeped out of the corners of my eyes. I swallowed hard and heard the door open. I looked in the direction and a nurse came in with a report. My head hurts so bad.

"Miss?" She said as if unsure. "You're awake." Obviously, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Instead, I smiled a bit and cleared my throat. Smiling and crying were like a second nature to me because when I didn't cry or when I'm too tired to cry, I smile instead.

"For how long have I been here?" I chose my questions carefully.

"For one week." She said simply. Like it is no big deal. She seemed friendly.

"Nurse, how did I get here?" I asked carefully. She looked up from writing something on her notepad and smiled.

"One good Samaritan brought you in." She responded. By good Samaritan, does she mean a man Samaritan or a female Samaritan? I took a deep breath and smiled at her again.

"Where is she?" I tried my luck but the nurse frowned and said, "it was a man." I just smiled. So a man brought me in here. I mulled over that and sighed. I'm so stressed right now. The nurse left after asking how I am feeling and all that. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

I didn't know I have fallen asleep again until someone opened the door of my ward. A sharp pain shot through my head as I whipped it quickly to see who came in. It seemed I have the worst luck as an unknown man entered my room. I scooted back to my bed but there was no room for me to hide. I looked at him really closely but I couldn't remember seeing him before in my entire life.

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