Chapter 18

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Allison's POV

  I slowly peeled my eyes open. I sat up and took in my surroundings. It looked like a parking lot, judging by the other cars parked here. I turned to see Sebastian grinning ear to ear.

"Where are we?" I asked, ignoring the look on his face.

"Airport," he declared happily and I frowned.

"Airport? Why?" My heart started thumping in my chest for some reason. I feared what was about to come.

"Yeah, we are travelling. Together." He was excited. Some of the thumping in my heart reduced but I was still confused.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"Yeah, so earlier today." He began. "I thought of a way to make it up to you, and what better way to make it up to you than a getaway with me?" He explained. My mouth hung open.

"Are you kidding? What about my job?" I asked multiple questions at a time. "Sebastian," I groaned.

"Wait, Allison, listen to me." I did. He offered me a smile which I didn't return. "Okay, I booked us tickets to Abuja. Good?"

"Of course not," I replied.

"Okay, we can just go back home then." He revved the engine into life and slowly reversed the car.

I stayed silent the whole time. My heart beat loudly in my chest, I was afraid he'd hear it. The silence went on and on. Except for the usual hustle and bustle of Lagos city, which we blocked due to the soundproof. The silence was deafening and the world outside us was on mute.

When we finally got back home, it felt like a fresh start except I ruined his mood. His hands tapped impatiently on the steering wheel. He was always impatient.

"Look," I started, "I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be." He waved it off with a fake smile. I almost grabbed his hand but I stopped myself.

I quickly got myself out of the vehicle before he got to my side. I swung my bag over my shoulder. I was happy, ecstatic even, but the door opened and I saw Veronica.

Of course I knew she was around but I still wasn't ready to face her yet. She looked a bit shocked to see me too. But indifference quickly replaced the shock. She offered Sebastian who was behind me a tight smile. I swallowed bracing myself.


She didn't say anything back. I just passed by her side and went straight to my room. There I dropped my bag and threw myself into the bed, my head hit the headboard and I laughed, rubbing it gently.

I sat up, a little worried. I declined Sebastian's offer. Those tickets must have cost him a fortune. And even if they didn't, he still spent money on them. It was a grand gesture. And I almost agreed but he has done me a lot of favours, which he was still doing. I should get him a gift once it's payday. I smiled widely at the thought. But what does he like? I didn't have any idea, his whole life revolved around basketball and his family. That's about it. If he had any hobbies, I wasn't aware.

I definitely can't ask Veronica. She would go berserk. I remembered the anger I saw in why eyes the day she saw Sebastian and I. My phone started to ring loudly, I rolled my eyes and picked it.

"Allison?" It was Hameedah. I bit my lip ashamed of myself, I almost completely forgot about my best friend.

"Honey," I breathed, waiting for the outburst which was sure to come. I closed one eye, feeling very guilty.

"Don't honey me, how could you? You don't tell me anything anymore and when I call, you don't pick," accused. I was about to deny but I decided to let it be. It wouldn't help the situation.

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