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Guys! I saw The Hobbit just recently with my father and It was so stinking awesome I barely have words! I got teary eyed, of course, and just getting that is a miracle for a movie; it takes a lot to get the tears going for me. I don't want to ruin anything in case any of you readers haven't seen it yet. Before I address an issue with my updating, I would like to make a few comments about the film:

1. Elves are big fans of unnecessary par-core (especially Legolas) because-really-was that last flip absolutely needed?

2. Thorin is a giant idiot (for lack of a non-vulgar term I will stick with idiot).

3. Orcs ruin everything

4. Thranduil dissapoints me and is forever more sentenced to stand in the corner and think about his actions.

5. Love is a pain in the butt. 

Anyway, now that that is done, let me explain my very neglectful behavior. Recently, I haven't been updating, and I must admit that it was entirely my fault in every way possible. It was mostly because I had no drive for this story, but now I am definitely minding more muse. Thank you guys for all of your requests and the amazing comments. With the new movie, I have gotten a lot more Ideas and I really cant wait to write them. The problem is that I cant write them just yet. 

I promised myself last week that I wouldn't write until I was finished with exams. Exams don't end until next Monday. So, I cant write until next Monday. Please stick around; there will be a lot more content coming soon, and I am excited to continue the Bard and Thandruil imagines from earlier in this book. Until the dreaded week of exams are over, 


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