#17~ Thorin

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PROMPT: You’re a Skin Changer and the daughter of Smaug (also accompanying Thorin on the journey due to being involved with him). Seeing Smaug’s death over Lake Town from the peak of the Lonely Mountain, you are devastated.

The wind was nipping at your cheeks rather painfully as you stood at the edge of the peak of the Lonely Mountain. Your eyes were blurry from unshed tears and a conflicted from rested on your lips. Lake Town was being burned and all you could do was watch the person who was doing it. Your own father; you had never felt so divided in your whole entire life.

Smaug, your father; you hadn’t seen him in so many years and he ended up being in Thorin’s riches. Then, when he was expelled from that dwelling, he went to burn the innocent people residing in Lake Town. You loved your father (how could you not?) but you realized the horror of the situation. Maybe you could stop him… Maybe, if you were willing to reveal to Thorin and company that you were a Skin Changer, you could keep him from causing any more damage.

However, as you were thinking this, a loud and ear splitting screech filled the air. Your mouth quivered and then gaped as you watched your own father crumble into the burning city. He writhed with pain as the cold hands of death gripped him and then silenced him completely. A sob left your parted lips; several of the dwarves heard the sound and looked over at you before dismissing it.

Having to watch the company try to kill Smaug was bad enough; watching your father die before your eyes while you could have stopped it was even worse. Quickly, you stumbled away from the peak of the mountain and ducked behind a particularly large pillar of the stone castle. You struggled to catch your breath while you stood there; your mind was going crazy and the swell of emotions wasn’t helping you to keep control over your impulsive changes. It was that moment of fight or flight in regards to the feelings inside of you; the rage and sorrow could either be confronted or you could pretend that they weren’t there. Both options could lead to you changing without meaning to.

Before you could really even realize what was happening, the familiar characteristics of a dragon were taking over your human ones. It was a painful process, and you were sure that the company had heard your screams by that time. You were right; they ran around the pillar to see why you were screaming, and they all stepped back when they saw what was happening. Before their eyes, you finished the transformation into an unruly dragon and puffed tendrils of smoke out of your nostrils. In your new state, logical thoughts mixed with those of violence and revenge. All you could see in your mind was the blood of the company dripping from your talons.

You struggled to control the sudden urge to rip through the men in front of you; they were all completely terrified of what they were seeing. They could almost see the inner struggle you were having; you snapped at them in a moment of weakness and then whimpered and forced your snarled snout away from them. With a loud screech, you thrust your wings out and launched yourself past them, trying to distance yourself before you could even consider hurting them.

You were desperately trying to get away from the Lonely Mountain, but something was pulling you back. You knew what it was; it was the same thing that had drawn your father towards the mountain in the first place. Gold. Jewels. Riches. It was in your nature to want to hoard it all; it was in your nature to want to kill Thorin for being in possession of it in that moment.

Against your greatest efforts, you turned back towards the mountain. Diving through the place where Smaug had left, you swooped through the grand hall and through the twists and turns of the castle until you reached the room where the floors shone with glittering gold. Thorin sat on the thrown in that room; he had already begun to be consumed by the sickness of the mountain. However, when he saw you in your dragon form, he could not help but to let the sickness ebb away while genuine fear came through. It was only heightened when he was forced to dive away from the throne to try and avoid your sharp talons.

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