the serpent | 08

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Silence embedded the car as Blaise's gaze reflected on the road underneath that stretched for many miles

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Silence embedded the car as Blaise's gaze reflected on the road underneath that stretched for many miles. Her eyes closed from existence as she welcomed the unconscious to envelop her. For the first time in a long time she wasn't afraid of the darkness awaiting to blind her.

. . .

"Blaise." A smooth yet prominent voice pulled Blaise from her peaceful slumber. She slowly peeked out as she adjusted her vision to the bright exterior. Fluttering her eye lids a few more times she looked around to see Octavio.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep." Blaise apologized as she unbuckled her seat belt.

"It's fine, you seemed to be in the need of it." She smiled softly at him as she propped the car door open. Octavio did the same from the opposite side before ringing the vehicle into security of its slot.

Blaise made her way around the car before joining Octavio who was patiently waiting for her to join him. She noticed the difference in Octavio instantly. He was no longer relaxed and laced with serenity, but now he was ready to paint his hands in red from the blood of any potential robber of her safety. His jaw ticked like a time bomb ready to react to any moment of emergency.

It made Blaise wonder if this is how he always acted in public. It made her wonder if Octavio had even ever been able to have a normal experience outside of what his job demanded him to serve. He first served for his country and now he was serving her, but the true question was if he even remembered to serve himself on the way. It was sad to even think of one being so crowded yet so lonely at the same time. Blaise knew that being alone and lonely were two completely different things. She knew the feeling all to well because all her life she has been lonely in the most crowded of places.

Blaise hesitantly brought her hand up towards the direction of his which was clapped against his jeans where the murdering weapon that would convict the crime sat.

She rolled her bottom lip inside her mouth as Blaise wrapped her hand in his. Octavio instantly tensed up as he noticed her sneaky move. He looked at her with a questioning look almost as if he was judging himself for letting something so welcoming yet so absurd to occur. He wasn't used to having a hand to hold onto while his whole life he was taught to hold the only thing, weapons. He was trained to use every type of weapon one could possibly name, but yet this was something that seemed like he was never trained for yet was so dangerous. Strangely, he enjoyed having someone to hang onto. Something so delicate yet so captivating.

"Relax." She whispered hoping he wouldn't pull away. His hand molded around hers perfectly, much like two sculptures made by the same sculptor. He instantly relaxed his postured shoulders like a waterfall running down and going with the flow. His fingers wrapped around hers in a tight grip as if she would dissolve into the thin air if he didn't keep a hold onto her tiny frame.

"Let's go now." He didn't reply as Blaise started to head towards the direction of the entrance of the grocery shop. She couldn't help but smile as his hand wrapped hers tightly.

As they stepped inside the store, they were instantly the center of attention. Blaise was used to the gawks she would earn just because she was the daughter of Boris Inocencio. Her name was thief of her freedom, but also the spotlight shining from above. But, many looked at the tall figure standing right next to her. Octavio easily thickened the air with his presence as if he wanted his arrival to be announced wordlessly. All women adjusted their attires while the men peeled their gaze from whatever in front of them to the serpent green eyes that screamed poison.

"Let me go grab a cart." Blaise tried to pull away from Octavio who was scanning through the crowd as a precaution. But, she was immediately pulled back to her spot as his hand refused to leave hers.

"We'll go together Blaise." She took a deep breathe before nodding in agreement. He scanned through the crowd once again before heading in the direction of the carts.

Pulling one from the row of many, Blaise started to go down her list of needed food supplies. Starting from the dairy section they made their way through the snacks then through the meats and vegetables. Octavio made sure to keep his hand wrapped around hers throughout their whole expedition in the store which earned them a few looks, but none concerned neither of them.

"I think we are done here." Blaise announced as she looked into the almost full cart in front of her that Octavio silently watched her fill according to her virtual list.

"You're missing something." He spoke out and Blaise instantly looked up at him in confusion.

"I thought we had covered everything." Blaise retorted as she scanned through the cart once again to see what could potentially be missing.

"Octavio just tell me already. We have a dinner to attend as well." He didn't respond as he only continued to see the gears in her mind turn furiously fast.

"Alright give me a hint." Blaise pleaded and she instantly saw the glimpse of a tiny smirk painting onto his neutral face, making his dimples prominent on the sides of his cheeks. He bent down to her height so his lips could so gently graze her ear. Her breathe hitched in her throat as she felt his exhale travel around her neck finally enveloping her into his strong whisky like cologne that left her drunk for more. A liquor that could only be produced by two sexes that would want to produce the perfect drug. A drug so addicting that it would be considered illegal.

"I like to lick it off of you." Blaise instantly felt the goosebumps playing on her skin as if it was a playground. His words so innocent yet so dirty. The heat between her thighs was one evidence of the crime that was convicted so cleanly that one would mistake it as legal.

. . .

Welcome back babes! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Let me know your thoughts and if there are any questions you guys have contact me through my author instagram! Love you all!

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J. Iris Grace

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THE SERPENT | 18+Where stories live. Discover now