the serpent | 18

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Sometimes heartbreak is bound to happen, but I never realized I would be the one wishing upon the stars for that to not be true. Octavio was right, he would easily leave me in tears at the end of the day. But, as much as I didn't want that to be true, it was true. Two broken souls can only create an incomplete romance, a tragedy. The truth was that even if we were bound to be a tragedy, I would know it will be the most beautifully heartbreaking to be created yet.

We may not be perfect for the world, but we were perfect for each other. He was a broken soldier who had seen more people killed in the name of hate than love and I was just a rich girl who had long forgotten the true meaning of love. Love had died the moment my mom had passed away. It created a cruel man out of my father and an even crueler person in being.

The truth was you can love someone with all you had, but at the end of the day would it be stupid to say I saw it coming when that person walked out on you. No, because people expected Romeo and Juliet to die in the name of love, people never said live just so you can keep the one you love. Heartbreak was inevitable.

"Blaise," I flinched as I heard my name, it was him it was always him now. Even when the house was empty along with my thoughts, he was always there in the corner watching me.

He had told me last night that this was one night. One night of being his. One night of being just Blaise not Blaise Innocencio. But, for some reason I had thought he was mine to go back to, like a book left bookmarked on a table which you could back to when you were ready to read the next chapter. He wasn't, and that was the sad truth.

"Yeah?" I asked as I turned around from the glass view in front of me. The sun was mesmerizingly colorful today, but as it set for its departure it looked even more vibrant than it had hours before.

"I have to go out for a couple of hours this evening, but the security details haven't been compromised while I'm absent. Gregory and Lian will be on duty for the couple of hours I'm gone."

I didn't bother asking him where he was going, or if he was feeling the same way I was. My feelings were messy as they were when it came to him, there was no need to have him know just how much. He wasn't feeling the same. This is one thing I knew for sure, because if he did I wouldn't be the only one that was hoping to get him under my skin again.

"Okay." I answered before turning away from him back towards the sunset in front of me. The wind was heavy this evening and the chills that ran through me made me feel more alive than I had in a while. I felt myself here at the moment.

"You should secure the doors and go inside, it is going to probably rain tonight." I knew he was merely doing his job, but I couldn't help, but wonder if there was anything more to it. If he might actually care about me enough that I may be more than just a job to him. Maybe more than a responsibility.

"You don't like the rain?" I asked, not knowing what else to ask to fill the blank silence that had been echoing through us ever since he had received a call and left me staring at myself in the mirror in the bathroom.

"I won't like for you to get sick Blaise." He answered and I knew I couldn't say anything back to that. He did care, even if he had already convinced himself that he didn't. The lies you fed yourself were the worst ones, because those are the ones you had hand fed your mind. The ones that you had created and that no one was to blame to.

I heard his footsteps drift away the hall to the left and I had assumed that this was all he was going to say before leaving. But, I was surprised when I heard those same footsteps echo back towards me.

The scent of his cologne blanketed me as he came closer. Close enough for me to love yet far enough for me to hate. Then, I felt him drape something around me. It was the shawl I always kept near me while reading, just in case I ever got cold.

I turned around to see him still standing right behind me and I couldn't help, but gaze into the greens of his eyes that held more secrets than a man should have. They were colorful with so many emotions. I had seen them sparkle with desire. I had seen them rumble with rage. I had seen them bleed with pain. But, yet I wanted to see them weep in love. Love for me.

"Tu es belle quand tu as perdu l'amour." [translation: you look beautiful when you're lost love]

I smiled softly at him. It was like a secret that he wanted to tell me so badly yet couldn't. This was the best he could do, I knew what his sentence translated to yet I was greedy for him to say more. Spill his heart in the romantic accents of French.

"I'll be back before 10, make sure you stay close to Gregory and Lian." It was such a couple thing to say, even though he was just telling me to inform, but it felt good that he knew I would have stayed up worrying if I didn't know how long he was gone for.

His hands brushed mine, and it was as if all the pent up desire from this morning came spilling into this moment. A kiss was intimate, but this connection was mesmerizing. Mesmerizing enough that I would gladly stand here looking at him as if he was the world.

"Goodbye Blaise." I knew he felt it too, but he decided the safer option. The one where no heart strings will be plucked broken from our instrument. And as he walked down the hall and left the house empty of his presence, I couldn't help but say, "you look beautiful as well when you're lost love".

. . .

Hey! Well I can't even say it's been a while because it's been forever! Yep I screwed my mental health to the point where I had to leave for a massive break! I had nights where I cried unwillingly and nights where I would sit in front of my notebook and not be able to jot book ideas. So, I decided I'll wait until writing called out to me. And that day was today, I found this man by the way. He has love for tragedies and has the most mesmerizing indigo-blue eyes. He loves the old pages of romance books and how they have been touched by many. He's beautiful.

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J. Iris Grace

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