the serpent | 31

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Darkness, that is a person's best weapon. In the darkness shall the most evil thoughts bloom and the most bloodiest hands hide. I knew that myself because in the same darkness I had grown to trick my mind into believing that being lethal is the only way to survive in this world.

"Now now Octavio, if I were you I would put that gun down." Darkness hid this person as well. Hiding in the dark corner of the hallway, his russian accent coated the thick walls of the mansion.

"Who are you?" I asked as I lowered the gun but still kept it in the palm of my hand.

"You know I would tell you but that's beside the point. What we do want you to know is that next time we get our hands on her she won't survive to cry out to you." My hands tightened around Blaise at his words and he couldn't help but notice that.

His chuckle lustered into my ear as I dropped my gaze onto the woman in my hands. The once mesmerizing and mischievous eyes were nowhere to be found. Her beautiful glow dimmed to a deathening pale.

"What do you want?" I asked while still keeping my eyes on Blaise.

"You know exactly what we want Octavio. A man like you knows that acting dumb can only cause further pain to the ones you love." And I knew he was talking about her.

"I don't love her." I answered back. It left a bitter taste behind that I hated.

"I hope that's not true because she surely does."

"You have one week to give us what is ours before we pay a second visit. Don't keep us waiting." The gun in the palm of my head begged to be lifted so it could kill whoever was hiding in the dark corners of the hallway.

The slight whisper of wind letting me know that the intruder had already left along with my intentions of murder.

"Love." The whisper of a word slipped off of my tongue, caressing the bare walls of the hallway that now were empty.

Did I love her? The truth was that somewhere deep inside I yearned to give her all the tears, smiles, hugs, kisses, and most of all love that she gave me but yearning for something does not allow one to deny the reality of what is being served on the table at the moment.

And at this moment, I had to make sure it wasn't my love that she got but my protection. Love gets you killed and hate lets you kill. I would rather let her hate me for the rest of her life than have her dead where not even my so-called love would be able to bring her back.

The woman in my arms deserved so much more than what I have to give her because my love was not the type that a lover would crave. It was one that got one addicted and then obsessed.

I walked up the stairs to her bedroom. The room caressing her very being. From the violet flowers to the fine collection of romance novels, Blaise was very much the opposite of me. And that truth would never disappear. 

I peeled my eyes away from her belongings and gently placed her onto the soft mattress. Pulling my eyes away from her for a split second, I filled the bath tub with warm water before gently picking her back up from the bed.

I slowly knelt into the warm water in the bath tub while keeping her nestled in my arms. The soft whisper of her breath lulling my rampant heart down.

Cleaning her bruises softly, I bent down to kiss her forehead softly. Her eyes slowly opening as I pull away.

She flinched and tried to pull away but I instantly tightened my hold on her.

"No no let me go." She cries out as she tries harder to pull herself out of my grasp.

"Blaise, listen." I try to reach her as tears streak her beautiful face. Pain and fear glistening in her eyes that once held trust.

"Baby listen to me." I beg as I cup her face into my hands.

"It hurts, stop please stop." I soften my hold on her face as she continues to cry.

"Blaise, open your eyes. Open your eyes for me baby." I whisper, hoping I could reach her just this one time.

Her eyes painted a blush pink, the color I only like seeing on her cheeks. Her strong persona broken into a fucken mess. They hurt her to hurt me and the fact it worked should leave me worried but at this moment I feel nothing but her pain.

"Ocatvio." She finally says as she wraps her hands around my own on her face.

"They are here Octavio, they will find me again. They would try to hurt me again, Ocatvio." My heart broke at her words. She was afraid and I wasn't there to assure her this time. I wasn't there to chase her demons away.

"Blaise." I call out to her.

"They killed her. They will kill me, Ocatvio."


"Look at me."

"They are not coming back, I fucken won't let them."

Tears stroked her face as I cradled her against me. Her heart beating rapidly against my chest. I stroked her back softly, hating how she flinched in response.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I'm so sorry." I apologized, kissing the top of her head.

She wrapped her arms around me while she nestled into my neck, closing her eyes as if her demons lurked in front of her.

"There were 3 of them." She whispered while sniffing her tears in. I remained quiet, letting her continue, knowing she needed this.

"They killed everyone, Ocatvio. But, they hurt me. They touched me and I told them to stop but they didn't." My arms tightened around her as if I could get rid of the pain that they had caused. The urge to paint the city red growing by each of her words.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, finally giving up.

"No, you are not apologizing. It wasn't your fault." My arms tightened around her small frame as her tears continued to brush her cheeks.

"Don't leave." She brokenly asked.

"Never." I promised.

. . .
(Unedited chapter)
I am just going to leave this here and walk away. Happy New Year by the way loves.

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J. Iris Grace

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