the serpent | 32

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He didn't leave my side as I laid in my bed with my eyes gazing at the blank ceiling above me. His hand was tightly wrapped around me as if he was afraid I'll be snatched away from him and his neck snuggled into the side of me.

They only got as far as touching me and painfully leaving a mark but their words were the reason behind the chaos swirling in my mind like the tick of a time bomb waiting to just explode right in front of me.

"He was only there for one reason, Blaise and it was to leave you empty once he had his fill."

"How do you know my name?" I asked as the blindfold kept me out from putting a face to the words.

"Find the damn thing that belongs to us and we will give you what belongs to you."

"What do you have?" I asked as tears soaked the material of the black blindfold.

"Your only way out." And with a dark chuckle he made sure to leave marks to his promises.

Find the thing that belongs to them. Those words chanted themselves in my mind as if I knew whatever that thing was would give me all of my answers. But, what could it be? I hadn't ever questioned myself about stepping into my father's office after his death, but now that same room seems to be calling my name.

Whatever that thing was, Octavio either had no clue or was just what they had told me he was, a liar. Deep down I knew Octavio wasn't normal. But a girl like me never was made for just normal. I was built to caress the kingdoms made of blood. I was a toy that looked better in the box and was always too fragile to play with and too expensive to buy. But, with Octavio it wasn't always about playing, it was about worshiping. Because this man may not be made for love but love was certainly made just for him.

I slowly peeled his arms away from me but he refused to let go. With his breathing hitched, I waited till he fell back to sleep.

Once again I moved his arms away from me and reluctantly peeled the sheets away from my naked body decorated in deep purples that I only ever liked from his touch.

His shirt was folded on the dresser and I immediately grabbed it before quickly dressing myself into it. I gave him a final look and sighed in relief when I saw him still asleep before walking out of the bedroom towards the once crime scene.

My heart pumped rapidly as I made my way down the dark hall to the closed wooden door where my nightmares seemed to roleplay and my dad's final words whispered in the air.

I was never allowed in this room and the irony of me now standing in front of it makes me almost laugh. He left me the room he died in along with his dirty secrets.

The necklace around my neck was feeling heavy as I knew something no one else did.

"If something ever happens to me Blaise, know the pendant is your way out." And those were his last words for me when one morning he strategically gazed at the necklace around my neck for too long.

I unclipped the necklace from around my neck before feeling the heaviness of the pendant. It was odd how I had never noticed until now.

Looking back at the closed door of my bedroom, I slowly opened the door to my dad's office. Quickly getting in I closed the door behind me with a silent click before taking a deep breath.

The office was polished clean from the blood that once caressed the floors and the leather chair of my father's desk but the fading smell from his cologne still ghosted the room as if he was still here.

I knew exactly where to go but my feet couldn't seem to move from the place they were planted in. This was it. I would find whatever they were looking for or come to another dead end that could possibly get both Octavio and me killed in the end.

Before I could change my mind, I walked across the wooden desk that was still piled up with papers and files that my father was working on the day of his murder. Some of the white papers still were married with slight splotches of blood and that detail only made me want to turn around and back into Octavio's arms.

I peeled my gaze off of the papers before eyeing the painting of a pair of the most blue eyes I had ever seen. I knew instantly who they belonged to. They were my mother's eyes. The ones my father once had fallen in love with and the ones that seemed to have haunted him dead. He said my mother's eyes held his deepest secrets. It was true, because those secrets eventually left her empty and fragile on the bed of death.

I stepped towards the painting before carefully fluttering my fingers on the dried paint on the canvas wishing I could feel her but in place I felt nothing but pain of the time I lost with her.

I pulled my hands away from the top of the canvas before removing the painting off of the wall and finding the locker that my father had told me about when my mother had passed away. He was right, my mother did hold all of his deepest secrets.

Looking down at the palm of my hand, I twisted the pendant around to finally find the corner that fit in the locker. It was the only way in and I probably knew that for far too long but his secrets were never that interested me until now. Until they were the ones that were keeping me from moving on.

I plugged the sharp edge of the pendant in the opening of the locker that you would easily have missed if you didn't know what you were looking for. The soft click makes me want to step back and run south because deep down I know whatever he was hiding wasn't small. It was big. Bigger than me. Bigger than him. Big enough to get him killed.

The locker squeaked open, much to my disapproval as I glanced back at the closed door of the office. When no sign of the annoyed bodyguard of mine came through, I took a deep breath before cracking open the safe completely.

A little fingerprint pad lightened up and I almost cursed at myself for thinking it would be that easy to get in. I glanced down at my thumb hoping my father wasn't the only way in. He couldn't have been or why else would he have given me the pendant that would lead me only half way in. I pressed my finger on the pad and immediately the blue light underneath turned a bright green, granting me entry.

I sighed in relief as I then moved to crank open the second door of the locker. The dark little box lit up with a tiny overhead light inside the safe and the only thing I saw was a stack of what seemed like a will of some sort and a tiny flash drive that was hidden in the far corner as if some dirty secret to be found.

Instinctively I grabbed the flash drive and felt it in my palm. Was this it? My father's laptop was no longer on his desk as it was taken in for investigation but I needed to know what was on this flash drive quickly. I closed the first and then second door of the safe before removing the pendant from the sharp hole of the safe.

The painting was put back in its place and without another thought, I made my way out of my father's office and downstairs to the spare laptop in the living room.

I could hear my heart throwing a fit as I practically ran to the device on the coffee table. I quickly grabbed it before finding a seat at the far corner chair by the dark window just in case Octavio came looking for me.

I propped open the laptop before plugging the flash drive in, waiting for it to load. The circular loading sign kept on rotating as slowly pictures started to glitter the screen. Before I could even manage to make out the scenes on the screen his voice called out.

"Blaise." My heart stopped and my panicked filled eyes met his. I was fucked.

. . .
(Unedited chapter)
I know I suck but I am already working on the next chapter, I promise.

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J. Iris Grace

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THE SERPENT | 18+Where stories live. Discover now