-Chapter 12-

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Once everyone gets changed we start training "Okay Gar you can be partners with Kennedy" "I want to be partners with Kennedy" Jason says "No, Gar is going to actually teach Kennedy" "I will! You can't pair me with Rachel!"

"You two are at similar strengths and you do not have the patience to properly teach Kennedy." Jason hugs me tight before training

"If you don't like Gar just tell me and I'll train you" Jason winks "I love you" "I'll be fine Jason. I love you."

"So what training have you had before?" "None" "Then we can start off with a quick easy warmup, just some sit-ups and pushups" "Don't look at her, Gar, eyes on her face" Jason says "Shut up Jason" I say while doing push-ups "Babe he was looking" "Jason he's trying to help just be quiet" I say out of breath.

Gar is a great trainer he shows me how to do it and explains how to properly do things. After training Jason and I take a shower "Did you like training?"

"It was hard but Gar is really good at teaching me also shut the fuck up Jason, Gar probably felt bad after you said that. He's so sweet."

"Well you are clearly into younger guys" "Jason I'm a year older than you" "Sill older than me."

Jason is so overprotective mainly because he's insecure as fuck but tries to hide it by being jealous and overprotective.

"Alright now we are going to spend today working together as a team since Jason can't get along with anyone" Dick says "Great this is going to be hell" Jason says "Alright we are going to do a baking competition, bake cupcakes any type you want as long as you both work together" "What? We are crime fighters and you want us to make cupcakes?" "It's about working together, we can't be a team if you want work together" "Fine, Ken what cupcakes are we making?" Jason asks.

"Jason you will be with Rachel and Gar will be with Kennedy" "Oh my god!" Jason yells "He did that on purpose, didn't you, Dick?" Rachel asks

"Okay let's make vanilla it's easiest!" I say. Gar and I start getting everything we need

"Red velvet is my favourite, let's go now hurry" "No we are doing vanilla" Rachel detests "We have to agree on red velvet" "Vanilla and red velvet are the same!" Rachel says. "Does it have to be one flavour or can it be two favours?" Jason asks Dick "You both have to agree on one."

"Fuck me, we are never going to get this done, just agree on red velvet" "Fine but this is the only time you get what you want from me."

We let our cupcakes cool then start decorating them with just enough time left. "Alright times up guys" Jason and Rachel don't finish on time "That's your fault" Rachel snaps.

DISAPPEAR - Jason Todd (Titans)Where stories live. Discover now