-Chapter 5-

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Warnings- Please do not read this chapter if you feel uncomfortable reading about su**ide or attempted su**cide.

From that day on Jason and I had no more secrets, we told each other everything. At least that's what I thought for about a month until I get a very worried phone call from Dick at work.

"There's no time to explain but I need your help on the rooftop Jason is here too, it's bad" "Please don't make her come here" I hear in the background "Is it an emergency? I'm at work" "Yes hurry." Dick sounded very worried.

I have no time to call an Uber so I run out of work despite my boss yelling at me and I sprint to titans tower pushing people out of the way all the way to the top and see Jason standing on the ledge with Dick sitting on the side.

"I'm going to do it, I told you don't bring her here." "Jason what are you doing" I say cautiously walking toward him. "Stay there" "Okay I'm staying I'm not moving. I'm going to sit here so you know I'm not going to move. Okay?" I say calmly "This is making it hard for me, I don't want you to be here."

"J, what's going on?" "Everyone hates me. Everyone blames me for shit I didn't do and I'm sick of life I hate my life" "That's okay. At times I hate life too, it's been hard moving here with limited money but when I feel like that I talk to my close friends and it's okay to do that. Do you want to talk about it?" "I almost got killed by Deathstroke and honestly no one really cared I fell to my death if that guy hadn't of been there I would have died and I had to act like asshole carefree Jason Todd all over again. It was hard so I shut out everyone and to act like I was okay. I'm tired of this dumb act and I can't deal with being here anymore. I should have died."

I held back my tears to stay strong for Jason but when he believes he should have died it shatters my heart. "No, if you died I would have been so upset and I guarantee your friends would too. Right Dick?" "Jason, we would miss you a lot you're a great friends and an amazing teammate."

Jason starts staring at the ground "Jason please!" As much as I try to hold the tears back they start rolling down my face slowly "Jason please don't. I love you so much. I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. I will quit my job and spend more time with you! I'll even move in with you like you wanted me to! I'll do anything for you. Please don't"  Although this is not the scenario I placed in my head of telling him I love him he knew it meant something and it saved him. He plants both feet on the ground and turns to look at me then sits on the ledge

"Can I come over?" I ask Jason and he nods slightly then looks at the ground. I walk over slowly "I'm sorry, sorry Dick, sorry Kenny. "I love you too"

Dick gets up "I'm going to talk to everyone downstairs, we will start when you two are ready" he walks away. Jason doesn't let go of me "Jason you can never do that again, you scared me so much I feel like I'm going to throw up and cry all at the same time" "I'm sorry, If you weren't there I would have done it"

"Why didn't you tell me?" "Because I just got you back you don't want to deal with me and then you would dump me for being annoying" "That's really what you thought?" "Yes and that's part of the reason I didn't want you here. I didn't want to be a burden and I knew you would talk me out of this" I cry into his shoulder "Jason never say that, if you have to deal with my financial problems then I will help you with whatever you need no matter what. You are my number one forever"

We all sit down and Dick tells a story about a boy and how he killed him everyone seemed to be in shock and abruptly left. "Dude that's messed up" Jason says and gets up from the table to pack his bag I follow him. "I have no idea what happened but what the hell are you doing?" "Let's go, let's go on a vacation. Quit your job and pack up your stuff when we get back we are moving in together where I don't have to worry about your safety. I'll get you a proper job in finance." "Okay let's go"

Jason quickly packs his stuff. We get into a cab that takes us to my apartment. "I'll pay this months rent for you so we can leave now" "I'll pay you back" "No you won't you saved my life today."

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