(Marichat/Ladynoir) Just ask her

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Marinette sighed, she didn't know how it had all came to this. She had no idea when the feelings started to well up inside of her. But now they were coming out like waterfalls, and she didn't know what to do. Her mind betrayed her and she refused to believe that she could be in love with Chat Noir. But every bone in her body willed her to love him, it was inevitable. 

For he no longer was hers for the taking. He no longer flirted, teased, used nicknames, or even made weird cat puns. He had put up a border, and no matter how hard Marinette tried...she couldn't break that wall between them. 

She looked at the little clock next to her bed. 10:37...wow. It's late. 

She couldn't sleep, it had become a pattern for the past couple weeks. She couldn't calm her mind now with everything going on. Life is too confusing. 

She stared at the skylight above her bed and shifted around in her covers. Her eyes wondered around the dark room, seeing the silhouettes of her furniture. The only thing she could hear was the exhalations through her nose. Her eyes were wide and no matter what comfortable position she was in...she couldn't fall asleep. 

Her eyes found her trapdoor again and she felt the sudden urge to go and look at the stars. Maybe that would help her sleep?

She shifted the covers down her legs and quietly opened her trapdoor, not wanting to disturb Tikki. She pulled herself through and smelled the night breeze that Paris had to offer. Or maybe it smelt so good because she lives above a bakery? Nah. It's just nature. 

She carefully let the trapdoor close as she walked to her railing and rested her elbows on the metal. She loved it up here, it made everything better. She could hear all the sounds coming from around her, she was able to make out even the littlest of things. Especially the sound of a certain feline watching her. 


"Hey Chat", she sighed. She wasn't in the mood. Why was he here anyway? What kind of business did he have with her? She didn't want him to catch on to her feelings towards him, and even if she did tell him she would have to tell him as Ladybug...but would she even do that? 

"Hey...Um. I-I I'm sorry for disturbing you Marinette but I really need some help and I d-didn't really know who to c-come to so, yeah." Marinette turned around to face him. Was he crying? His eyes were puffy and he looked tired. Her heart ached for him as she saw him in such a state. Usually he wasn't like this. What was going on? 

"Chat. What's wrong? Wait, come sit down." She pointed to the little chair on her balcony, her parents would surely hear them in her room. She watched as he slumped down into the little hammock thing. He wiped the tears off his cheeks and swallowed before taking some deep breaths. 

She came over and sat across from him on the chair, they just stared at one another for a minute before he finally built up the courage to tell her. 

"H-how, um. Okay, I-I'm trying to move on from Ladybug, but I don't know if I can and I don't know what to do anymore because all of this is just causing me pain and I can't bare to have someone else taken from my life that I care so deeply about. I don't want to get hurt again, even though I already have, but I can't let that continue because it's bad for me right? I've just been rejected for so long there's only so much I can take and I don't know how to handle it. S-so...How do I get over a person?"

Wow. That was a lot. Marinette was speechless. He still loves her?! Her heart blossomed at the news and she had to remind herself that Chat Noir was hurt. Mentally. Maybe she could tell Chat that she loved him and that would help them both out. Maybe she would be able to heal him. Maybe. 

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