(Ladynoir) Remains

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Chat Noir stumbled on his feet as he walked alone on the narrow rooftops of the city. He was broken down...exhausted from his life. Exhausted from just living. Adrien had barely turned 17 with the news from his father that they would be moving from Paris to go live with some relatives. Of course he refused to leave his city...the city that he protected, the city that needed him, the city that HE needed. He was Chat Noir, which meant that if he left, he could no longer be the black clad super hero. That he could no longer see his lady. 

He didn't hesitate to run away from home. He couldn't face his father, he couldn't face his cruel life, he couldn't face anymore loneliness. It has been two weeks. TWO WEEKS! Two weeks of no home, no shelter, no purpose, and no place to go. He had shown up to akuma battles and somehow convinced his lady that he was alright. But he wasn't. He was slowly starving, and although he managed to grab food ever day...it wasn't enough, and Ladybug was starting to realize his weak and depressed condition. 

She noticed the lack of puns, the tired expressions, the paleness on his face. She noticed everything that changed about his behavior as well as his physical appearance. She was growing more concerned by the minute. She could not sleep, she feared for the well being of her trusted partner. She cared about him and his needs. He was not being taken care of, and she could see that. But what can I do? Where is he? How can I find him? 

Chat Noir stumbled some more as he fell to the hard surface of the roofs. He could not move. He had no energy to do so. His mind told him to die. His body told him to quit. But he could not let himself think such negative things. 

He leaned his head on the railing of the roof as he huffed out a long breath, quietly shaking from the coldness of the night. He just needed some sleep to regain his energy for the next day. 

Marinette was lying in the darkness of her room. The lights out, her eyes wide. Her mind was frantically scrambling in thought. She could not rest while her kitty was sleeping on the cold streets of Paris, not that she was 100% sure that he was. She sat up abruptly, waking up Tikki in the process. 

"Marinette, why are you still awake?" The kwami zoomed by and hurriedly turned on the little night light by the girl's bed. Marinette turned to face her kwami with a desperate look on her face. 

"Tikki, I'm afraid for Chat. He's not doing well, but he wont tell me what's wrong. I feel like I should check on him. He could barely stay awake at today's attack. I just, uh. I just feel like he deserves to be taken care of, and he's certainly not getting that right now." 

Tikki hugged Marinette's cheek and smiled. "Marinette, you are such a wonderful person. You can transform if you want. You could call him, or track him if he's transformed. Please, don't worry about me. What your doing is dearly important to him and he needs you right now. So go." 

Marinette quickly transformed and threw open her trapdoor to search for her kitty. She leapt off of her balcony and whipped out her yoyo to track his location. She saw him on the screen, which means that he was transformed. Her suspicions were correct. Why is he still transformed? He's not even patrolling today! 

She continued to follow in the direction of the small paw print that appeared on her tiny screen, jumping across the many roof tops in Paris. He wasn't too far away, just near enough to the Eiffel Tower. Maybe that's where he sleeps?

She grew saddened at the thought. He wasn't telling her these things. He wasn't letting her help him with his pain? Why? 

She started growing closer to his location, seeing just ahead a black blur sitting against the railing of a rooftop. She gasped a little and continued to soar through the cold night. He had to go through this every night?

She landed in front of him, kneeling down to get a better look at him. He was asleep, and he was cold. His face pale and his hair untamed. Her eyes began to water at the sight of her weary companion. She put her hands on his chest and slowly slid them up to hold the nape of his neck. She pressed her forehead against his own, and she began to whimper. 

"Oh Chat. How? How could you not tell me?" She whispered cried. Just then did the cat start to wake up. He opened his eyes warily and slowly, taking in the lovely lady before him. He wanted to sit up, but he could not move. His body too weak and his mind so raw. 

Ladybug hugged him, a death squeezing hug. A hug that tried to mend all the broken pieces together, a hug that wanted to care for him and nourish him. She pulled back, her hands on his shoulders, now siting on his lap with her legs wrapped around his torso. 

His eyes were now fully opened, and his mind was now fully alert. He had his lady in his lap. He had his lady in his lap. HE HAD HIS LADY IN HIS LAP! 

He kind of panicked. "M-My'lady?", he stumbled out. She pulled him back into a bear hug and he slowly put his arms around her as well. She pulled back, this time with a glare on her face. 

"How dare you not tell me about this! You should have! I could have helped. I could have cared for you the way you should be cared for", she began to cry. She dug her head into the nook of his neck and continued to cry. Chat smiled a sad, sweet smile. Knowing that his lady cared for him was the best thing in the world. 

She could pick up his broken pieces. She could mend his heart. She could take his remains and make him stronger than before. He tightened his grip around her back and whispered in her ear, "Thank you My'lady."

She pulled back away and looked him in the eyes with such ferociousness that he just wanted to pull her close and kiss her like there's no tomorrow. But with her, he had eternity. And he longed for love and affection. Something that she was now offering. 

"I want you to come over."



I will continued this IF you vote for me to do so--------->

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This will most likely turn into an Adrienette in the next chapter of this....

IF you choose to see more. 

I really hope you do...because I sure want to write more!

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Thanks for all the love!! I love you all so much, 


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