(Ladynoir) You love me

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Adrien was used to being rejected. He didn't take it personally, nope. No matter what happened he would keep on trying. Trying to win over the love if his life. They were both about 18 now and Chat had been using the same tactic for years. Simply just telling his Lady that he loved her. 

But he suspected something. He had been noticing it a lot recently...Ladybugs behavior that is. She seemed more giddy, more touchy, more loving? Yes, his suspicion was by a long shot, but he thought he had enough evidence for it to be true. He thought that his lady might just love him back. 

Although he felt this way, he needed to know if she did too. So he came up with quite a clever tactic to get his lady to admit her true feelings. And if it didn't work out...oh well, he would just try again next time.  

Instead of saying 'I love you', he would say 'You love me'. 

It was quite genius really...to make her think that he figured her out, but only to expose her own self. It's downright evil...it just might work. 

So he made up his mind...that in patrol he would expose her...

For the amazing woman she is. 


As Chat Noir was flying throughout Paris excitedly, he hurried to his meeting spot with Ladybug. He wanted to be early...he had a lot on his mind after all. He was ready. Ready to finally make her love him. Ready for her to finally realize her feelings for him. Ready to kiss her soft lips. But he was also ready for rejection. This idea that he had was one by a long shots after all. He wasn't 100% sure of her feelings, and that's why he needed to do this. 

I'm not sorry My'lady. 

As he finally made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, he sat down waiting for his Bugaboo to show up. He was going to swoon her, to sweep her off of her feet. He wanted her so badly, and he was done waiting. 

As he was getting lost in his thoughts he heard a light thud coming from behind him. His heart sped up, knowing that the love of his life was present. He wanted to feel like this every day. He turned to face her, his eyes glowing with a new love. One that could not be missed by the spotted hero herself. 

"Hey Bugaboo", he smiled. Ladybug smiled back, one filled with admiration, fondness, and most definitely...love. 

"How ya doing Kitty?" Ladybug sat down next to him, cris-crossing her legs just as he was. She was close enough that there knees were touching...and not just barely. They looked at each other, "I'm better now that your here Bugaboo." 

He inched his face closer to her own, but she did not move back. She was slightly startled, but loved the cat so severally that she no longer cared about distance. She too cared for him and was excited to get to see him today, fully unaware of how things would turn out on this fateful night. 

He kept moving forward, until there noses were about touching. Ladybug's head was screaming at herself to pull away so he wouldn't figure out how much she wanted him. But she couldn't. She couldn't will herself to. He was so close she could feel his breath on her lips. The sensation making them tingle with pleasure. She was busted... and she knew it. 

"You love me", Chat Noir said as he pulled away to a normal platonic distance.

Ladybug was pulled out of her trance as he said those words. Her mind was railing and her face grew pale. 


Her instincts told her to play it off, and that's exactly what she did. 

"Noooooo, you already know that I can't love you Chat", she grew saddened as she said this. Her face turning into a frown. She knew she loved him, she had loved him for nearly a year now. Adrien slowly moved his way out of her heart once she realized how much this mangy alley cat really meant to her. But they couldn't be together, she wasn't ready for that. She didn't want him to know. So she told herself no matter what, she would NOT admit to her true feelings. 

Chat's face didn't change. He still held that bewildered grin that he had worn for the past six years. He searched her own face, she was sad...and scared? He knew that she loved him, but she needed to say it. She needed to sacrifice herself unto him. He couldn't do it for her. 

"Oh Bugaboo", he teased. "Don't lie to me." He neared her face again, kissing the corner of her mouth. It was sweet and loving. She felt herself quiver at the contact, a warm vibration rolling up her spine. As he pulled away she felt herself chase after him, but she quickly caught herself making the mistake and became still. 

She looked up at him through her eye lashes, almost catching the cat off guard. He marveled at the sight of her, she looked so radiant with the moonlight shinning on her flushed face. He grabbed her face with his hands, cupping her cheeks lovingly. He pressed his forehead against hers. 

"Please, just say it to me My'lady. I can see it in your eyes. I love you too." He searched her eyes, emitting all his love for her through his eyes. She did believe him, he did love her. With all his heart too. And so did she. But she couldn't- wouldn't allow herself to fall for him. Even though she already had. 

She closed her eyes and pressed her head harder against his. "Please stop, Chat." She had her lips nearly in his own. "I don't want to fall." She could feel her lips against his as she talked. It sent a fuzzy feeling through her body. 

"My'lady...I think you already have." She opened her eyes and slowly pressed her lips to meet with his. They both fell into the abyss as they enjoyed the feeling of one another. Chats hands gripped her waist tightly as he pulled her up to sit on his lap. She brought her hands to the nape of his neck as she let out a small moan. Chats ears perked up as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. 

Chat pulled her closer, feeling exhilarated with the knowledge that he was finally accepted. But one small thing still remained in his head as he kissed her. She didn't say it. 

At once he pulled away. Hearing the sound of Ladybug panting, he let out a subtle smile at the fact that he did that to her. But her eyes grew wide and her cheeks reddened at the thing which she had just done. The teens had about a foot between them as Chat let go of Ladybugs waist. He smiled and tilted his head to the side, taking in the appearance of the beautiful woman before him. He spoke in a husky and flirtatious voice as he leaned forward about half the way.

"I need you to say it Bugaboo", he smirked, re-wrapping his arms around the small torso of his beloved. Ladybug let out an exasperated laugh as she leaned her head on his shoulder. 

"I love you Chat Noir." She dug her face further into the nook of his neck and breathed in his cologne. Chat snaked his arms around to hold her back as he brought her closer to him. 

"You love me", he whispered in her ear. 

She brought her head back up and smiled at the cat. "I really love you."



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I love you all, 


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