(Marichat) Princess

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Marinette leaned on her balcony railing as she looked out at the setting sun. She sighed, marveled by all the colors that made the sky look like cotton candy. Her eyes shimmered and her smile widened on her face as she thought about the highlights of her day. The cold air around her made her shiver as she could see the sun slowly disappear. 

She extended her arms and stretched from the days activity. She was tired to say the least. The akuma wearing out every fiber in her body. Chat was kind enough to let her stay home from patrol so she could rest. She still had to do homework, but after she got all her school work done she felt like taking a deep breath and relaxing. 

He is truly kind. She thought to herself as she felt her cheeks heat up. Chat could practically read her like a book. They had known each other for more than three years after all. Her heart felt like exploding from her chest, all the signs were there. She deigned it though, every time the thought came to her mind she quickly dismissed it. Unwilling to dwell on the familiar feeling any longer. Any one would be able to tell that she was in love with the black cat, but she refused her feelings. She couldn't give up on Adrien, and she wouldn't let her rampid thoughts stop her from pursuing him. 

But at this point she wasn't quite sure of her future anymore. She loved two people, and she couldn't imagine living with out anyone of them. Of course the cat didn't know of her feelings, she chose to keep it a secret until she is sure if her feelings. She knows that he deserves an answer to all his questions. But it's hard. He's becoming more persistent, more yearning, more saddened. 

And Marinette didn't know what to do. She didn't want to let her feelings get out of hand. She new that he would want her, all of her. And she couldn't give him all of her. She was still thinking about another blonde boy, but honestly, it was all doubt. She wasn't sure anymore, sure about her motivations. With Adrien, she was mesmerized by his perfectness, by his perfect character. Of course everyone else saw the same thing she saw...just perfect. 

But with Chat Noir it was raw and endearing. He was there for her from the very beginning, no matter what her feelings toward him was. She rejected him and put him down numerous times, but he still stayed loyal. He still hoped beyond belief. She fell in love with him for his imperfectness, for his caring soul, for his silly manners. For his loving character. He put his life on the line just for her, only for her, because he loved her. He loves her. 

Marinette inhaled a deep breath and realized that her eyes were starting to tear up. She hurriedly wiped her eyes and stilled her breath, and just then did she notice a dark shadow a few rooftops away from her. By this time, the sky was dark and the street lights were on. She could make up the shadow of a person, and she grew startled. He was looking...at her.  

She stood up straight, eyes wide. She saw the figure jump closer, then closer. And closer. She could now see the pointed cat ears on the top of his head, and the glowing green eyes that held a thousand words. Her breath staggered, why was he here? Why now? She was still trying to think!

She stepped back as he jumped to the roof next to hers. She looked at him, and he looked at her. Then he jumped to her balcony and stayed behind the railing, clutching the bars with his clawed hands. His face held a smile as his tail whipped around behind him. 

She smiled back, feeling the love emit from him. She stepped closer to him, to a talking distance and she ruffled his hair. "What'cha doing here Kitty?" She felt him lean into her touch as he carefully brought his legs over the railing and onto her balcony. She crossed her arms and rubbed her hands up and down from the cold. He seemed to notice this when he gestured to the room below. 

"Why, I am here to see you Princess. Why don't we go inside, you look cold?" She smiled wider and went to open the trapdoor to slide in onto her bed, and Chat followed. As he fell onto her bed she shut the door and took a blanket to wrap herself with. She then threw one at the black cat and he rearranged his blanket to comfortably wrap around his shoulders. 

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