(Adrinette) Baking with Agreste

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These are suppose to be the best days of your life, right. I mean it is the last year of high school, and sooner or later you wont have the daily hardship of dreaded homework. For Marinette it was the same old, same old. Just waking up late, scrambling to get to school before the starting bell. 

She was racing down stairs, grabbing a last minute breakfast and tripping out the door. Tikki getting thrown around in the small bag due to Marinettes clumsiness. She waited patiently for the crossing light to go green so she could literally cross ONE freakin street to get to her school!

As she finally made it onto campus she sneakily (and creepily) walked to her first hour, not wanting to get any unwanted attention. As soon as she made it to Mrs. Bustiers class, she creaked the door open, peering just enough to the left to see the glare of her teacher. 

"Hello Miss Marinette, please take your seat." Marinette's face grew embarrassed as she opened the door wide enough to slide in and hurriedly scrambled to her seat.

She didn't say anything, just nodded her head and her teacher continued with the lesson. Once Marinette situated her bad and got out her supplies, Alya leaned closer to the bluenette and whispered, "Girl. You really need to set an alarm."

Marinette's face grew to one of shock when she whipped her head to face her friend and whispered, "I do!" Alya just snickered at the flustered girl when she said, "Girl, your too funny."

Marinette huffed and turned to face the teacher, oblivious to a certain blond who was currently lost in thought.

About Marinette that is.

Over the past few months Adrien has grown quite attached to Marinette. Their relationship growing in wonderful ways. He had been torn by having to make the decision between his lady and Marinette, but nevertheless, he was able to do it. He was so blinded by the brave, witty, intelligent superhero, that he was never able to fully see Marinette for the wonderful girl she is. 

To Adrien, Marinette was kind, sweet, warm, comforting, generous, shy, beautiful, courageous, inviting, homely, and sometimes even witty! She was so much greater than Ladybug, and to say that Adrien is in love wouldn't exactly be an overstatement. 

He had fallen in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng...and he had fallen hard. He often found himself day dreaming about her, sometimes in photo shoots, which wasn't all that great of you asked him since he kept getting yelled at by Vincent. He would find any excuse to be around the bluenette, and he would be shocked if she hadn't already noticed how crazy he is for her. 

Of course he wanted to tell her, that's why she's on his mind this very minute. Because he wants to confess. I mean, it senior year for crying out loud! He should have a girlfriend by now, and that's what he hopes Marinette will become. Hes waited long enough, and Plagg keeps annoying him about doing it, so he figured that he has to find a way to catch her alone. Again. 

Okay so maybe he was beginning to look like a creep, so what? Ah, the things that young love does to a guy. *cough* Not like that *cough*.

Well no matter what Plagg might think, he just needed to find the right time. Apparently Plagg thinks there is NEVER a right time. And he's starting to think that he is right, because he does not know what to do to get the young woman alone!

He needs something that will lure her? Maybe even make her pity him? No, that's not right. He needed something that she's passionate about, so that she will be in her comfort zone. Sewing? Absolutely, not. His father would KILL him if he even dared to cut and bruise his precious fingers. 

Baking? That could work, yeah. He could ask her to teach him how to make cookies! She would love to do that. Awesome! 

So he made up his mind that at the end of school today he would come up with a good enough of an excuse to get her to do just that. 

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