Chapter 9

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The next morning

James and I were sat down to breakfast together. We were both having some good ole fashion cereal.

"I can see why you like her Lynn, Eva is a great person. And really cute too." James told me.

"You like her?" I asked. I was shocked. This really came out of nowhere.

"Yeah I really do. I think she'd be great for you. And I really think you'd be great for her too." My brother said.

"Well I'm glad. Your approval is the most important." I smiled at him.

"Just be good to her. She's gone through a lot ok." James said.

"James that's so cute. One you know I will be. Two I'm not even dating her. And three it's hilarious that you're already so invested in this." I laughed.

"Hey be quiet. I just want to meet Damian and Kira."

"I bet we can make that happen." I smiled.

"Ok great. I'm going to go shower. When's our tee time again?"

"It's at 3:30. We're going to get some food on the way so don't eat a big lunch." I told James.

"Ok cool. And Micky's coming with us right?" James asked.


"Ok cool. Have a good day at school Lynn."

"You too James."

James walked upstairs after putting his dishes in the dishwasher. I did the same and put the cereal and milk away. I walked upstairs and looked at the clock on my bedside table. It read 8.

I had time to shower and get ready but right now I grabbed out my phone and texted Eva.

Me: "Hello Ms. Eva."

Eva: "And hello to you too Ms. Lynn."

Me: "What have you been doing this fine morn?"

Eva: "Just waiting for you to text."

Me: "Oh really?"

Eva: "Heck yeah. It's the best part of my day."

Me: "Oh my gosh me too! Great minds think alike."

Eva: "They really do."

Me: "So James wants to meet Damian and Kira."

Eva: "I bed we could make that happen. Maybe we could take them all to the park or something."

Me: "That's what I was thinking."

Eva: "Good. Maybe this Saturday? My dad and Melissa are going out durning the day and I'm babysitting. Might as well have some good company to pass the time."

Me: "I'm good company?"

Eva: "If you don't push it."

Me: "Ok Saturday sounds great. Does 10 am work for you?"

Eva: "Yeah it does."

Me: "Ok awesome. I have to shower for school but I'll see you in class. Bye Eva."

Eva: "Bye Lynn."

That afternoon at 3

"I'm leaving with or without you James!" I called up the stairs.

"I'm coming right now. Do not leave me." He yelled back. Then I heard thunderous footsteps on the stairs.

"Finally. You'd think that you were the teenage girl with how long you take to get ready."

"Well sorry. I was just going to the bathroom so we don't have to stop durning the game." James told me.

"That was very kind of you Jamie. Oh also we're going to the park at 10 am on Saturday to hang out with Eva, Damian, and Kira."  I said to James as we got in the car.

"Oh cool. Can you ask Eva if Damian and Kira play any sports? Maybe football or frisbee and I can bring one."

"Yeah. Thanks James. Eva told me that Damian is really excited."

"Of course. Just because he's autistic doesn't mean he's not a good guy. I'm excited to get to meet him too. And Kira." James smiled at me.

"I'm glad. Can you move into the back please?" I asked my brother.


"Thanks James." I popped the trunk for Hayden and McClain to put their clubs into.

Hayden and McClain got into the car and buckled up before we began driving to lunch. We're just getting sandwiches.

"Hey Mickey." I said.

"Hi Lynn. Thanks for taking us today."

"Yeah of course. How's 8th grade going for you?" I asked him.

"Pretty good. You were right about my teachers."

"I knew it. And Mr. Holloway has been nice to you?"

"Yeah he has. I told him that you were my sister's best friend and now he thinks that I'm like a king or something." McClain told me. We laughed.

"That's good."

McClain and James fell into conversation as Hayden and I did the same.

"We're doing that BBQ for your birthday next weekend right?"


"And everyone's going to be there?" I wondered.

"Yeah. My family, yours, the Santos', Kiley and her mom, Nancy, Ella-Rose, and Conner." Hayden told me.

"Do you think we could invite Eva?" I asked. "I just want her to be get to know more people. And maybe her family as well. That haven't met anyone since they got here."

"Yeah probably. I mean I'll have to ask my parents but that seems like a good idea."

"Ok great. We're here." I told everyone.

"Grab your masks." Hayden reminded everyone.

Thanks for reading.

- M.W.

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