14 | The End

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Track Playing : 4'O Clock [ V & RM ]

It's been a week since I received her letter. My heart was engulfed with happiness and eternal euphoria. At first, I didn't know how to react, Azalea loved me back. The girl who I dedicated my whole self and time to, felt the same way towards me. The way she compared me to a tulip, it made me feel so elated. Everything was back in place, somehow.

The bliss bubbling within me wasn't going to rest unless I got this over with, so here I was walking over to Azalea's apartment, with the bouquet of Red Roses. They smelt so celestial. I stopped in front of the dark oak door and knocked twice. My face was probably wrinkled due to the anticipation and worry, my palms were sweating heavily and I had to wipe them off on my jean jacket every single minute.

Good going, Carson.

A few moments passed and I heard the door click, the blood rushed to my cheeks as I tried standing straight, without shaking. There she was, in a bright lime hoodie, hanging loosely on her body, it was long enough, till her mid thighs. Her hair was up in a messy bun, with those round glasses sitting on the bridge of her perfect and slopy nose.

I smiled softly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her nervousness was cute. It was refreshing to see her like this, bare faced and in her pajamas. I realized I hadn't said anything since I got here so I cleared my throat before pinning her eyes with my stern gaze.

"Hi, Azalea. I received your letter." I started, taking a step in as she moved aside to let me in. She was biting on her lip, hard. I supposed it'd start bleeding any moment if I waited any longer. So I set the bouquet of flowers on the table beside the door and stepped towards her figure. She didn't step back or look at me, just stood there staring at the ground. I walked up to her, leaving a little distance so that I don't make her uncomfortable. 

I don't know how this sudden confidence has invaded my veins but I'm happy to be here, blessed to be in her presence without having to be embarrassed that she read all my letters to her. I lifted her chin up, with my finger. Here eyes met mine and I swear, I've never seen a galaxy so beautiful. Her eyes are more beautiful up close, those orbs which waver at the slightest of touch. A smile appeared on my face as I admired her dazzling features. 

She was so glorious. So marvelous. 

"Thank you," Her eyes bored into mine as I spoke, "For loving me back." I said, my bottom lip being devoured my by teeth. I was so gratified when I found out that Azalea felt the same way towards me, It was truly the most marvelous feeling.

Her hand traced my palm before settling on that one finger which supported her chin. "Why do you thank me?" She said, taking my hand in her soft ones, her skin setting my heart on fire. "Thank you for valuing me so much. You have no idea how full my heart is."

There it was, she said it. Herself, not just her hand writing. She finally said it, her honey smooth voice and her eyes glistening with unsaid emotions. I felt so whole, holding her hand in mine, looking into her eyes as if this was the last moment we'd spend together. 

I smiled before encaging her jaw in between my hands and placing my lips on her forehead. The feeling was so dewy and youthful, My eyes closed as I enveloped the feeling of being with her.

"I love you, Carson."

"I love you too, Azalea."

Ahh! It's over! What

was the ending worth it???

My first ever romance book is over??

I'm so thankful to all of you for reading this book and always cheering me on! Let me know your thoughts! and of course there's going to be a epilogue! <3

I really hope you enjoyed reading this little book >-< Thank you so much, loves! My new book "Stranger Danger" is out as well, I hope you'll give it a chance <3

I love you Azaleas ッ ❤


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