13 | Camellia

28 12 6


Dear Carson,

Or may I say, my floret guy. I received all your letters. Bryan informed that it was against your wish, I'm sorry he did that. I can understand that you would have wanted to keep those letters to yourself, but my question is why?

Every letter. Every single word you've written about me, about yourself and about your love and admiration for me leaves me speechless. I feel so overwhelmed that I almost cried, nobody has ever made me feel this special, Carson. 

So if you feel bad or betrayed, don't. You have no idea what effect these letters had on me, nobody knows but I was reaching my breaking point. I would have random melt downs and just question everything. I missed my dad, I missed my mom and I missed you. 

The thought of you being the Red Rose in my crusty story makes me light up with absolute joy. Please don't be upset over these letters being posted. It will only break my heart. I am probably the luckiest girl to exist, and to have an admirer such as yourself.

So here goes nothing, Carson. As a tulip, your smile compares to sunshine. Your gorgeous and ravishing aura makes me want to envelope you in my arms. And as a Camellia, I'm left longing for you. I love you. 

I want to hold you, kiss you and call you mine. It has taken every ounce of courage in me to come in terms with my true feelings, and after realizing everything. I want to be with you. 

As a Clover, I keep thinking about you. Since the very day at the nursery, to the graveyard. You have always been there for me, which only makes me feel less alone and more alive. 

I love you. I don't know when you wrote these letters and if you feel the same still, but Carson I thank you whole heartedly for writing these heart-felt and beautiful letters to me. Even though they weren't supposed to be addressed to me, I still believe they mean the world to me.

I still remember when you would surprise me with different flowers everyday at my dad's farmhouse, we'd run in the yard behind poppy, your dog. I still remember how you followed me to the graveyard silently and offered a shoulder to cry on.

Nobody has ever made such effort for me Carson. This is why you're so special to me.

I don't expect a reply, but please don't be upset or disheartened. I loved these letters just as much as I love you.

- Your Azalea.

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- KrystalGlobe ❄

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