9 | Chrysanthemum

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I clutch onto the steering wheel as I breath heavily, This could not be happening. I hurried through the road as only one thought crossed my mind, 'Please be okay'. Apparently Bryan had gotten himself into an accident, I would have blamed him but he convinced me it was the latter's fault, she was speeding. 

I sighed as I parked my car in front of the hospital and rushed inside. As I stepped into the elevator, I could only hope that Bryan was alright. The Bryan I knew was reckless, he'd get into an accident and not tell me. But this time he informed me, which was new.

"Excuse me, which room is Bryan Collins admitted in?" I asked the nurse passing by and she checked her clipboards before saying, "Room 212." I smiled at her before rushing through the corridor. I spotted a girl being interrogated by an officer, I assumed she was the one who was speeding, but I shrugged her off as my main concern was Bryan for now.

"Finally you showed up, Carson." Bryan huffed as he watched my every move, I walked over to the side of his bed. His head was wrapped up and his breaths were steady which was a good sign. 

"Sorry dude, I came as soon as the hospital called, are you feeling good?" I asked, brushing my fingers against his head. He just nodded before closing his eyes briefly.

"They cop is interrogating the girl outside?" He asked, I nodded. He sighed, "Serves her right, miss perfection finally gets a piece of reality." He chuckles to himself. At that my eyebrows furrowed, "Miss perfection?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The pretty girl from our school, was it zoolia or oozlia?" He made a pathetic guessing face to which I just rolled my eyes. Zoolia? Is there a girl in our school with that name? Perhaps Bryan's getting the name wrong, he did get hit in the head.

"Oh wait! It's that girl who defended you mate." Bryan exclaimed and my eyes shot up. Azalea. She was the one who hit Bryan with her car. What in the....

"Azalea?" I gulped.

"Yeah I guess that's her name but I prefer Zoolia." He grinned cheekily making me roll my eyes again. "I'm going to get her charged, she deserves it. Rich snobby people make me sick."

"You can't do that Bryan. Not to her." I said, my voice slightly pleading.

"Why not? She needs to know not everything isn't perfect y'know?" He said, looking at the ceiling. I scrunched my nose, one thing I knew for sure was, there was no changing his mind. He was mad stubborn.

"What are you going to do then?" I ask, my voice pathetically small.

"I'm going to exaggerate a bit, probably get her to spend a few days behind the bars." He winked, finding this situation all too humorous and I stared at his cankerous self with nothing but melancholia.

"Even if I tell you she's the girl who I write letters to?" That definitely caught his attention. "Carson, seriously?" He tried to sit upright but I pushed his shoulder back, he should not get up. "I can't believe you never told me this—"

"I never told anyone Bryan, I know people can be very judgmental—"

"You are stupid if you think I'll ever judge you, Carson."

"Then, Are you okay with this—"

"I never said that." He deadpanned, staring at me with amusement flickering in his brown orbs.

I sighed before taking a seat and looking at Bryan with the best puppy face I could pull off. "Please don't do this man, just take the charge back—"

"She ran me over with a car! Are you going to choose a girl over your best friend!?" He cried out, flailing his arms dramatically but eventually hissing due to the action. I huffed, "Bryan it's not about choosing, you're okay, aren't you?" I narrowed my eyes, waiting for his answer.

"I can barely feel my head!"

"Oh c'mon now you're exaggerating."

"Dude, just because you're busy being a lovesick puppy for miss perfection doesn't mean you neglect my condition—" He was panting now, due to his outburst, "—a condition which she put me in."

I stood up, glancing once at my best friend. "I'm sorry." I said before walking out of the door, I definitely did not come here to fight with Bryan.

"Are you with the injured?" The cop walked over to me and I froze in my tracks, Azalea behind him, hugging herself and slightly shaking. I hated seeing her like this.

I nodded my head and our eyes met, She was terrified, she had never even imagined standing in front of a police officer and being interrogated, on top of that.

"And is he in the condition to sign these papers, for the accusations." The police officer asked, flipping his clipboard. Azalea's eyes widened in panic as she looked at me, pleadingly.

"That won't be needed sir, he has taken the charges back." I knew I was playing with fire, I was going behind Bryan's back but I couldn't do this to Azalea, she never intended to end up in this situation. 

The cop nodded before excusing himself. My hand were shoved in my jeans pockets as I looked around nervously, when I heard light sniffles. As I whipped my head towards Azalea, I watched her walk over to me and wrap her arms around my torso.

Every muscle in my body was alive, almost like they were breathing, my breath hitched in my throat. My heart was doing somersaults, I wrapped my arms around her slim figure.

"I didn't mean t-to hit him―" She hiccuped, "―I was on the phone with my dad, he misses me- me a lot and I just―"

"Shh, It's all good, he's okay. You're okay." I muttered comfortingly, my hand resting on the back of her head. "―It's okay." I confirmed as she sniffled again.

And in that moment, I realized the best feeling was to have my Chrysanthemum in my arms and and to be able to comfort and soothe her. My Azalea.

oooh Bryan and Carson fought

ahh I'm gonna have to reconcile becoz I love that duo :3

and writer's block, sucks arse

anyways, thoughts?


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