Chapter 11

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Kye used the flashlight on his phone to help us see as we walked in. We were only a few feet in when the door closed shut and the torches on the wall light up, lighting the long hallway. Kye turned off his flashlight and we stood there in confusion, expect Orlan. He stood there in awe.

"Can you read the hyrographics?" I asked Oraln.

"Sort of," He said looking at the wall. I knew how but I have forgotten majority of it. "Well this is just warning of boobytraps. I figured that."

"Traps? Ha no bid deal for this guy!" Anik said pointing to himself. We all rolled our eyes and started to plan out.

I read some of the walls, "Watch where you step for it may be your last,"

"Comforting," Kye muttered.

"Isn't suppose to be," I said, "They don't like people intruding on their dead. I just hope we don't find cat mummies."

"Cat mummies?" Anik asked in confusion.

Oraln answered before I could, "They treated cats like gods and would burried them just like their rulers, leaving milk and fish for their trip to the underworld."

"Wonderful..." Anik muttred, then we started.

Orlan went first, then Anik, then me, then Kye. Oraln had taken a torch off the wall and saw preasure plates on the floor. We were careful to advoid them until Anik stepped on one. Darts came out fo the walls behind us and we started running. Orlan yelled at Anik for being stupid and finally we were in the safe zone. Orlan smacked Anik and we put him in the back and continued on our way.

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