Chapter 16

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Orlan immeditly came to a pit of blackness. He looked down and started to find a way across. He paced around and as he stepped on one of the stone bricks, it made a click. Stone pillars raised up from the pit. He looked at them. It seemed like it meant he'd have to jump across them all, and there probanly was a time limit.

He jumped on the first one with ease. The second one was just as easy. When he got the to the 5th one, all the pillars behind him went back down into the blackness below him. He gulped and jumped to the next one. They started to get harder as he went on and every 5th one, the pillars behind him shrunk into the nothingness. The jumpes got longer, and pillars were different heights. He struggled and slipped on many. One the 45th one he looked back. All pillars were gone and only five were left infront of him, but four shrunk down. He gawked at this new jump that he knew he couldn't make.

As he tried to figure out how to get to the exit, the pillar he was one started to lower down. It went down to fast and he had no time to jump. So down into the pit he went.

He counted the minutes but after awhile he lost count and sat on the pillar as it countied to go down. He took the time to reflect on what has happened to him so far. He meet Tomai, who spooked him abit. He was afraid of doing something stupid and she would zap him into ash or curse him with a terrible fate. Kye didn't seem to be afraid of her, so why sould Oraln be afraid? He studied mythology and immortals were the worse with tempers. But then there was Anik.

Anik to Oraln was annoying and was childish. He very much disliked Anik. But he kept the group smiling. Soon the pillar stopped in a room that was lit up. Orlan stepped off the pillar that was no the ground. He wondered around the room. Gold and many jewels filled the room. He saw a warning on the wall.


Orlan looked around again. It covered the room! How could he not accidently step on the rishes the covered the floor. He looked up, and saw around the walls, above the riches, was a bar. A bar high enough that if he climbed across, he wouldn't touch the highest pile. He used the broken parts of the wall to climb up to the bar and started climbing using the bar.

It wasn't easy. It took all his strength to keep himself from falling down and his hand began to hurt. He could see the exit but it seemed so far away. He sighed and kept going. he would be praised for finding the stone that laid in this pyramid. He'd be famous and rich! His goal was clear and then he saw a mirror. The mirror had no reflection in it. When Orlan saw it clearly, he saw something move inside.

He saw Tomai and Kye fighting a ghost. They seemed to be in trouble. He frowned as the picture changed and he saw Anik talking with a girl, and laughing like nothing bad was happening. This made Orlan mad. Tomai and Kye were in trouble and Anik sat there doing nothing! Orlan moved on and kept climbing, the pain in his hands subsided with his determination to save Tomai and Kye from that ghost king.

Orlan reached the exit and he climbed down and ran up the stairs that lead him back to the pillars, but he was now at the exit he was trying to get to. He ran out the exit and went to find Tomai and Kye. If he found Anik, he would slap him for being lazy.

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