Chapter 9

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This was going to be hard. I didn't expect someone else wanting the stone too. I was cut off guard for awhile then I spoke, "But we need that stone-"
"To sell it?" Orlan said accusingly.
"To use it's power." I said.
He scoffed and shook his head, "There are no immortals. Those are myths,"
"Not all of them." I shot back. Kye looked at me and saw that I had a plan. He opened a book and showed Orlan the page. Kye told me the hero's name and I said exactly what was in the book about the hero's fate, or in this case, a prochecy.
Orlan looked at me, "If you know so much, tell me more about this person." And I did. He was shocked then whispered very quietly, "Your immortal?"
I nod, "But I won't be once I get this stone. Will you help us?"
Orlan nods, "Only if I get to say I found it and claim my fame." Kye and I agreed and we continued with our work.

I wasn't sure if I should trust Orlan, but we did need someone who knew what they were talking about. Soon we finished up and set out on our quest. I looked at Kye and Orlan. My team just like heros in myths had. I felt happy that I could be part of an epic quest. I looked around because that happy feeling was being replaced by a feeling that something was off. I moved closer to Kye and he took my hand.
We got to the edge of town and Kye and Orlan started planning of what to do next. I stood there listening but I felt someone watching us. I turned and saw a figure hid in an ally. I wondered over to see who was watching us. I moved behind the garbage cans and walked in to the ally then turned around when I saw no one. Behind me was a small boy, but he must have been sixteen. He pointed a knife at me and I just looked at it, "Um..."
"C'mon girl," He said, "Gimme your money!"
American accent. I sighed and shook my head, "I have no money and why were you watching my friends and I?"
"Um..." He stammered and stood up straight and looked at me, "Because I was gonna rob ya, but now that I see ya up close, I ain't going to. A girl like you is too pretty to be robbed," He flirted.
I said nothing and started searching. His name is Anik, he snuck on a plane, but didn't know it was coming to Eygpt. He's been here for a few months and his future shows him still here, stealing things. A thief. That what he was. I let out a sigh, "I don't have time for this. I have to a quest to do." I started to leave.
"Wait, a quest?" He called adter me then caught up with me, "I can help you! I'm pretty good at sneaking in places and taking things with out being caught. What about it? Can i join ya?"
I looked at Anik then over at Orlan and Kye, 'I...I don't know. Can you get inside a pyramid?"
"Never tried, but there's a first for everything!" He beamed.
I just nodded and joined Kye and Orlan again, "This is Anik-" I stopped myself. Anik never told me his name. Crap. Anik didn't seem to notice though, "And he's going to help us get in the pyramid." I finished.
Orlan glared at Anik, but Anik kept on smiling. Orlan shook his head, "A theif could never do that,"
"This guy can!" Anik pointed to himself.
Kye told me the plan then we set off. It felt kind of weird being the only girl, but that was okay. I was happy. I was with Kye, and we are going to change our fates.

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