Chapter 3

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A few weeks past and I was slowly getting him to talk more, with the help of his friends of course.
He would say a sentence to me when I talk to him. I did most of the talking. He listened, at lest I think he listened. I hoped he did. Anyways, about the third week of me being here, he started to talk more. Which is good. But then the question came up. The one I hated.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked me as we walked home.
"Doing what?" I replied.
"Did Kevin put you up to this? My parents?" He pressed.
"No one put me up to this. You looked sad and lonely, and I hate seeing that," Which was true, "I thought maybe I could help you not be...not become..."
"Depressed?" He finished for me, "You think I was going to become depressed." I nod and he smiled and shook his head. Oh that smile! I nearly fainted. "She wouldn't want me too, she would want me to find love again and keep going."
I sighed inside. Now wasn't the time, "That's good that she wants you to be happy." I said.
He nods, "Yeah, but I still miss her, you know? She was just so speacil, so different. I loved her for that."
I kept nodding as he talked about her untill we reached his house. We said bye and he went inside and I went back to my cloud.
It was a cloud where I watched my people from. It was home, but it was lonely. I watched some people, past calls, ones I could go help but their fate says other wise, and the random ones. After awhile I cheaked on Kye. He was looking at pictures. I watched for awhile as he looked through a photo album and listened to sad love songs. Sad love songs mean mourning. I sighed and flopped on my side. He was doing so well! I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes.


Few more days past. I made more progress. He didn't ask why I was helping him, or anything. He asked me other questions though. Where did I come from, about my family, my hobbies, those questions. I made up answers for all. I didn't like lying, but popping out of no where, telling the person their fate then leaving? Maybe back in Greece when they believed in Zeus and them, but not now. They would think they were crazy!
Greece...good times.
Anyways, getting side tracked again. I can tell you about my time in Greece and Rome and such later. This story is about Kye and I.
He asked me the normal questions, and I answered. If I couldn't, I changed the subject. It had been a month since I came and I was friends with his friends now. Kye didn't mind me hanging around with them. But I wish they would stop nagging me to eat during lunch. Geesh. His friends are good people with good fates. Kevin, his best friend since they were toddlers, is very smart. He's going to own his own company some day. Jason is very good at sports, he's going to be in the NHL. I could go on, but I won't, you get the idea.
I know I haven't mentioned Kye's fate yet, and I won't yet. I like cliff hangers. It keeps you on edge and makes you keep reading this story.
Kye's friends have been trying to get him to talk to other girls besides me. But they should understand that he's still upset over his girlfriend's death. Have you notice that I haven't named her yet? Cliff hanger! Anyways. He tries to talk to others but the girls just fuss over him and how much pain he is in. He was confinding in me one day, he said, "Why does every girl is this dang school think I'm depressed over (name here)?" I shrugged and told him I didn't know, which I don't. Then he said, "Why is it I can talk to you so easily? Like with (name here)?"
I shrugged again, "I guess I must be one of those people,"
He nodded and we continued walking home.

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