Chapter 13

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I told only Kye of my dream and my worry about this mission. He held me close and just let me ramble on. I was very afraid. People have tried to use that stone to make immortals mortal so they could kill them. But only few were able to. Then comes me. A immortal girl willing to ride herself of her own immortality for love. I was sure Kye and I would be together forever but I've seen love die before. And that scared me too.

I wasn't so sure on this now, and we gotten to so close to it. I could feel it. Anik and Orlan woke up awhile later and we had our garnola bars for breakfast then packed up camp. We went down the corridor that we didn't come from and the torches continued to light themselves as we walked past them. This place was filled with magic and it was very clear. Soon more traps came.

The first one darts again, but more and quicker then the first time. We ran as fast as we could to avoid being impaled. We got away and took a break. Orlan tried to figure out what to do because we came to three seperate door ways we could go down. Only one would continue to the stone. Orlan suggested we split up. Not that I liked that idea but that's what we did.

Anik went middle, Orlan went right, and Kye and I went left. There was no torches to lit our way, which worried me. Kye used his flashlight and I still didn't like it. The stone was black and it smelled of death. I glanced at the walls for some sort of clue, but it was just flat black stone. I moved closer to Kye when we came up to a skull, then a few skellatins. Not a good sign. "Should we head back?" I asked Kye then I heard something fall and we were trapped in. We could only go forward.

"I think that just answered your question," Kye said and I gently punched him then we kept on going.

There was only more and more skellatins and then torches were up again and were already lit. Kye put away his flashight and we advoid the bones that nearly covered the floor. Still very offputting. We came up to a huge room and in the middle was a throne that went a few feet up. The throne was very large and needed stairs to get to because of it's height. It was gold and glittered in the torch light. But the worest part was the ghost that sat there. He didn't look like a ghost, you couldn't see through him. I knew he was a ghost because I warned him of his death when he was a young prince. He didn't accept his fate at the time and I was stuck untill I was needed else where because Majesty had to take me away. I was there for five years. Over those five years I kinda fell for him but then stuff happened.

I looked at him, he looked no different. Young and handsome just like the way he died. I warned him that if he didn't learn to give that he would be posioned. Of course, I was right. But here he was, smiling evilly and had that look in his eyes. "So! The great spirit that brings people their fates as come unto me again. Kawit, was it? Looking good for a changing face. Is this your new 'call'? New crush? I can't believe you replaced me. I could have give you everything!"

"You were going to use that stone on me, Nekure," I said with a glare, "I don't even know why you bother flirting with me. I'm way older then you and not dead like you. I warned you, but you didn't listen to me, and look where you end up."

"Trapped, like you are right now?" He laughed, "Foolish girl, you know nothing. I was a king! I ruled over the land and everyone bowed down to me."

I scoffed, "One posined you."

"Tomai? Do you know this ghost?" Kye asked.

I nod and explained it to him and Nekure laughed again when I finished. I knew he had somethig planned that would only make this quest harder.

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