Chapter 1

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Another day, another fate.

This was my life and I had no say in it. I go, find the person, befriend them somehow, then tell them their fate. I normally do it after a loved one has died and they're about to go into depression. I go and stop them from suicide. That's my job. My entire life. I've had guys fall for me many times, and I had to break their hearts when I leave. Telling them that I'm only was suppose to tell them their fate is very difficult sometimes. It's never easy.

But this is my life, it's my fate. I can see into other people's fates, but I can't see mine. Why? Because I'm living it. It won't change. I was being called again to go help someone. Lots of people have tried to kill me because they may not like their fate. Oh right, I also warn people if they continue doing bad things, that their fate will be horrible.

Yeah. Fun.

I don't completely hate it, but I do at the same time. Some people have the most amazing fates ever! They will paint paintings that'll last for years! Their tributes to science will help others! Their name will go down in history! And they never once thank me afterwards. Some forget, some don't care, and some just don't. It's my curse.

What's worse is telling some one they will find love. They will be happy. Because sometimes I end up falling for them. So many. And they found love after I was called away. They never remember me, and it pains me. Each time, my heart breaks. Why am I stuck to this fate?

I see many families, so many happy. Then I long for one. Siblings, parents, any sort of family possible. It's been so long I don't even remember if I have a family or not. Where I came from is a mystery. I know nothing about myself. I'm just a shell of an ever changing person, going through time and telling people their fates. Sometimes when I'm on Earth, and I see people, I automatically see their fates. I blank out and I don't blink. I just stand there, seeing this person's fate. Others, I have to look for. I don't blank out when searching. Some fates I don't remember giving. Others echo in my mind.

You might think it would be cool to see other's fates, and then tell them. Some don't believe, some refuse. Then there are the ones who believe. That's why I keep on going. They believe in fate. In me, though they don't know they believe in me. I love those people. I watch them whenever I'm not on call. I watch past calls, just to see how their lives are going. Though, I could never visit them. They wouldn't know it was me anyways. They would think I was crazy. And their right. Sometimes I am crazy. But that's just because I'm trying to get it through their thick skulls that I'm the one who gave them their fate!

Oh well. I shouldn't rant like that, not to you at lest. You probably don't care anyways. You want me to start the story, find out what it's all about. Who is fate? What is she like? How does she find these people? I guess I should tell you then...

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