Her Story

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"Could you please tell me what I just witnessed, cadet?" Erwin questioned Ichika was currently getting her leg stitches redone. Sakura was tired of meeting all the new scout leaders and fell asleep beside her mother. She was curled up with her head on her mom's shoulder and their fingers intertwined. Levi stood in the corner, making sure Ichika and her daughter was okay.

"It's a very long story." She looked at Erwin giving a look, asking to continue speaking. He nodded and let her continue with her story. "About 10 years ago, I met Reiner when I was in the fields outside of my house. He told me he was from beyond the walls and I thought it was some cheesy pickup line or something. He said he couldn't come back, but he did so every so often to see me. I thought I loved him," She paused and Levi softened his look at her. When she met his gaze, she calmed down a bit "I was young and stupid. But after a night together, a few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. When I was going to tell him, he told me he was leaving for good and not coming back to see me. I told him about the baby and he begged for me to keep it. Of course, I did, but because I wanted her." Ichika looked down at her sleeping child and smiled. "She is my whole life, if she wasn't with me, I'd probably be dead by now."

"So, why did he say he was taking her away?" Erwin asked and she slightly froze.

"He said he was going to take her to his hometown outside the walls. He offered to take me but I refused, keeping her inside the walls where she's safer. I didn't believe him, but now he's acting strangely and I can't understand it. He was never like this when we were together." She hugged Sakura tighter when the doctor stuck the needle in for the last time, tying up the end and cutting off the rest. Erwin waited for the doctor to leave before telling Ichika his theory.

"Hayashi, do you know that he is suspected to be the armored titan?" The color on her face disappeared and the grasp on her daughter was slowly slipping away.

"Ichika?" Levi slowly approached her and sat next to her on the bed.

"It all makes sense..." She looked at her daughter and pulled her in closer, careful not waking her. "He was going to take her away from me and take her outside the walls...he was telling me the truth." She had light tears in her eyes and Erwin stood up from the chair he was sitting in and put a reassuring hand on Ichika's shoulder.

"I promise you, he won't get to her. Consider her under the scouts' protection." Erwin gave her shoulder a squeeze and looked at Levi. He nodded at him and exited the room.

"Ichika I-"

"Thank you, Levi." She squeezed his hand and smiled at him. He looked at her confused "For keeping my baby safe."

"Ichika, I admire you too much to be the reason your child slips away from you." He didn't know how to answer back to her, he was always a negative person. She giggled at his response, causing the sleepy girl to wake up.

"Mommy," Her daughter lightly whispered and lifted her head up, but to be met by Levi's stare. She slightly coward back.

"Blossom it's okay, he's a good friend of mommy's and he's very good to mommy. You know, he saved my life." She thought back to the time Levi found her in the forest passed out from attacking Annie's titan. If he didn't find her, she probably would have bled to death.

"Is this the boy uncle Kai told me about?" The little girl asked, her eyes sparkled just like her mother did, even though they were hazel, not grey.

"I'm a man." Levi corrected her in a serious but not mean way. He didn't want to startle the child of the woman he was falling for.

"Hehe, but you're so tiny." Sakura giggled and sat up, sitting on her mother's stomach to look at Levi. Ichika hid her hiss of pain and watched her daughter.

"I am not tiny." She could tell Levi was getting aggravated. He hated it when people talked about his height, but he couldn't yell at a child.

"My mommy told me your the man that's gonna save us and let me see the world. Is that true?" Ichika blushed and Levi's glare softened up.

"I'd like to think I am."

"My mom also said that she loves you, do you love my mommy?" Ichika's face turned red as a tomato and she scolded her child. She never told Levi she even had feelings for him, let alone love him!

"She does, does she?" Levi looked up at her and she stopped. He smiled at her. "Well tell her, that it's mutual." Levi kissed Ichika's forehead before standing up and leaving.

"Mommy! Is he going to be my new daddy?" Ichika was absolutely stunned and what she didn't know is Levi heard her this from the other side of the door.

"Blossom, you can't tell people that someone has feelings for them."

"Well, you didn't tell my other daddy how you felt about him. Uncle Kaiyo told me you'd find someone, is it Mr. Levi?"

"Yes, it is. But, you can't tell him that, he gets a little nervous." She just called Levi nervous, and he standing right outside! He smiled to himself and walked away, concealing his face when he saw Eren walk by. Even though they were years apart, Levi still disliked Eren. He knew he had a little crush on her and she treated him like family. He hated it.

"You feeling better?" Eren knocked on the door and peeped his head in. She smiles and Sakura's face lit up.

"Mommy is this the boy you said you'd let me meet?" Sakura jumped off the bed and hugged Eren's legs, him hugging back.

"Is this her?" Eren looked down at the little girl and smiled. Ichika promised Eren in their first expedition that he'd get to meet her.

"Yes, she is." Ichika removed the blanket covering her legs and swung her legs over her bed. She stood up and instantly regretted it, Eren rushing to her side to keep her up.

"You're supposed to be resting. Get back in bed." Eren helped Ichika back into bed and Sakura watched.

"Mommy, what's his name again?" Sakura looked at Eren in fascination. She loved his eyes, she melting into them.

"I'm Eren." He gave her a smile and looked at Ichika "Why does she call you mommy?" She completely forgot to tell Eren that this is her daughter, not her niece. Or her 'lesbian lover.'

"Eren, this is my daughter, Sakura." She jumped onto Eren, wrapping her arms around his neck "She's been pretty much locked away for the past few years, she's becoming very affectionate towards the people she meets."

"She looks just like you." Eren looked into Sakura's eyes and noticed they were different but so familiar. He looked at her and she blushed, shoving her face into his neck and he held her close.

"How old is she?" Eren asked. He wanted to ask more than just that.

"She's almost 9."

"Whose eyes are those?" Eren asked it strangely, but she knew he wanted to know. She trusted him enough to tell him.

"Reiner is her biological father, sadly." Ichika rolled her eyes just saying his name. Eren could see her frustration with him but she didn't understand why, Reiner was like a brother to everyone.

"Can I ask what happened?" Eren sat on the bed, Sakura falling asleep in his arms.

"He left us." She carefully took her daughter out of his arms and laid her on her mother's chest. She lightly grabbed a strand of her mom's hair and held it in between her fingers. Eren pulled the blanket over the two, making sure they were both comfortable.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, my brother has been helping me raise her. He's been with her since we graduated training. And, Sakura is scouting out a new father for herself." Ichika smiled, trying not to laugh because it'd wake up her daughter.

"You should get some rest, Levi said he's having a meeting tonight that's very important and we all need to be there." Eren kissed Sakura's sleeping head and turned off the lights, seeing Ichika fast asleep with her daughter sprawled out on top of her.

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