Troubled Waters

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Third Person Perspective

Ichika sat in the dining hall and thought to herself. She woke up early, hence she was by herself and finally had space to think. 

Maybe I should join Kaiyo instead of being a scout. I miss Sakura, but she's safer right now.

She knew it was too late to change her decision, she needed to do this for her mother. Once the walls were dropped, she'd do it for her daughter. Ichika would hold her close every night after a long day of adventuring. She fell in love with her the daughter the minute she was put into her arms. She smiled to herself and stared at her hands intertwined with each other on the table next to her food.

"Hey, sweetheart, funny to see you here." Snapping out of her thoughts, she looked up to the door to see Reiner, surprisingly by himself.

"I told you to stop calling me that." She looked at her empty bowl, sneaking her knife in between her hands. Her hands were small, but she did her best to keep it hidden. She looked back to him and saw him approach her, sitting across from her. 

"I came here to talk about Sakura," Reiner spoke in a serious tone that scared Ichika, she'd never seen him so serious. She kept her face cold and stared daggers at him.

"Why? And how did you know I was here?" 

"I know you, Ichika, almost too much," He mumbled the last part under his breath and looked at her tiny hands. He reached for them and she immediately pulled them under the table, away from him.

"Hayashi is fine," He rolled her eyes at her and laughed.

"What happened to the girl I fell in love with, hm?" Reiner rested his head on his hand and stared at her curiously. Each time he woke up next to her, he loved looking into her eyes. He'd memorized her features and she didn't change one bit from their last encounter 9 years ago.

"Gone." She squeezed her hand tighter around the knife and broke her gaze.

"I came here for a reason, just hear me out." His smile dropped and he became serious, gaining her gaze back. "I want Sakura to come home with me after our next expedition. She is my child just as much as she is yours, you know." She rolled her eyes to try and control her anger. How could he waltz back into her life and act like everything is okay? 

"Reiner, I told you before, we don't need you." She stood up getting ready to leave, but he grabbed her wrist and stood with her.

"There are things you don't know, things you can't protect her from." He stepped around the table and pulled her into his body, staring down at her.

"And you think you could? I am doing a damn good job on my own. I have my brother, I don't need you." She looked up at him as she towered over him. She used to love when he stared down at her, but now, all she felt was hatred towards him, wishing he would leave her alone. Little did they know, they had a watcher

"There are secrets I've kept from you, and I wished you'd listen to what I have to say." She didn't respond, causing him to soon become frustrated. He sighed, then swiftly pinned her down to the table by her wrists, her butterknife slowly slipping out of her hands. "Now, you'll listen. I will give her anything she desires in life, a father to be there for her, a force only I can protect her from. You're too.." He stopped, staring her in the eyes and whispering in her ear. "delicate."

She was done with this. She tried breaking free from his grip, failing horribly. She was stealthier than him but she was much smaller than him. She head-butted him, causing him to release his grip, giving her the opportunity to switch places. She had one hand on his collar, the other holding the small knife against his neck, slamming him against the table as hard as she could.

"We don't need you, we never did. You'll never find her, and she'll never be yours." She had a murderous look in her eyes and Reiner smirked up at her, not surprised at her actions.

"Alright brats, that's enough." They both looked to their sides to see Captain Levi standing in the doorway next to Commander Erwin. "Hayashi, let's go," Levi called for her. She still had fury in her eyes, looking back at Reiner underneath her tiny body. Ichika picked up the knife, stabbing the table next to Reiner's head. He didn't even flinch, having an even bigger smirk on his face.

She got up, composed herself, and saluted to the two.

"My apologies once again, Captain Levi, Commander Erwin." Reiner got off the table and saluted as well. Levi looked in between the two and wondered what was happening. Who was "she" and why were they arguing about her? He thought, but shrugged it off, thinking of asking later.

"Cadet Hayashi, you will be attending court with us as a witness. Please follow us." Erwin said in a deep voice, causing her to nod her head and follow him. 

"Cadet, could you please explain the ruckus you and Cadet Braun were causing?" Erwin looked at her with concern, still having his usually stoic face.

"We had a disagreement. I'd prefer not to talk about it." She continued looking ahead, letting the two men escort her to the courtroom.

"Keep personal life out of work, again, brat." Levi walked slightly faster than the two, leaving them by themselves. After a few minutes of walking in silence, they finally arrived at the courtroom. Ichika was guided to go stand with the witnesses as Levi and Erwin stood with the rest of the Scout Regiment representatives.

This trial would no go well. She thought as she saw Eren's hands bounded to a pole, causing him to kneel to the ground.

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