Commander Who

676 11 1

Third Person Perspective

After regrouping with all of the scout members, Ichika spotted Jean standing on a roof, watching over the large wall. After hearing a loud boom, Ichika went up to investigate, only to have 3 other people follow her.

"What the hell are that noise and steam from?" Ichika used her ODM gear to get on the roof where Reiner, Jean, Annie, and Bertolt were standing on. 

"They are going to kill him," Bertolt whispered to himself, loud enough for her to hear. She looked at him in confusion, then realized the situation. The soldiers were reloading their cannons and Ichika became worried. 

She cared for the teens, she couldn't see any of them die, not as scout members, not as friends. As she started to walk in the direction, Reiner grabbed Ichika by the arm and pulled her into him. He towered over her tiny figure and pulled her away from the group. They didn't take too much attention to it, as they were concerned for Mikasa, Eren, and Armin.

"Get your hands off of me." She swatted his hands off of her when they were on the other side of the roof. 

"Sweetheart, please. You're overreacting." He stared down at her, curious as to why she cared so much about the annoying kids.

"I told you not to call me that anymore!" She took a deep breath and collected herself before continuing, "I forgot, you have no respect for children." She began to walk back to the group but he grabbed her again, this time more aggressively so she couldn't escape his grasp so quickly. 

"I'm sorry, Ichika. I wanted to stay, but I couldn't." He held her close to his face and she stared into the eyes that looked just like her daughter's.

"You never gave me a real reason," She tried wiggling out of his grip but he held onto her tighter. Ichika was furious, "Life outside the walls? Do you think I believed that shit? You came to Shiganshina to see me and I knew you were with Annie! Do you think I'm an idiot-?" 

Before she could finish, Reiner put his hand over her mouth to keep her from talking. He looked over to the group to see Bertolt and Annie watching the little scene going on. Bertolt looked away when he locked eyes with Ichika, but Annie continued to eavesdrop.

"I was never with her for the reasons you think. I love you, Ichika. That's why it was so hard to leave. I wanted to be there for Sakura, for our daughter." He whispered in her ear so no one else but the pair could hear. 

"You could come with me, back to my home town. You could bring Sakura and we could be a family." Ichika shook her head over and over again with tears in her eyes. She used the opportunity while he was distracted to sweep his leg and send him down with her hand pushing down his chest.

"You're 8 years too late. She doesn't need you, and I sure as hell don't need you." She let him go and jumped down from the building. Jean turned around to see Reiner laying on the roof, watching Ichika runoff.  

He was probably hitting on her, she hates when I do it. He thought, unknowing to the real situation.

Ichika headed back to the wall as fast as she couldn't. As much as she wanted to help the kids, she knew they couldn't die. Two of them were the smartest ones in their class and the other held too much power. 

Once she made it to the wall, she checked both of her sides. Once she saw no one was around her, she dropped to her knees and let out a loud scream. She had tears of anger dripping from her eyes onto her lap. When she heard ODM gear behind her, she wiped her tears and stood up.

"I told you, I don't need you." Her voice was raspy but filled with anger.

"That's pretty rude to say to a commander." Ichika turned around, shocked. She expected to see the tall, blonde that left her in Shiganshina, but no. It was the opposite.

He was very short, about a cm or two taller than herself. He had long black hair with an undercut. She noticed the green cloak around his shoulders and she immediately saluted to him.

"My apologies, commander."  He kept his distance, standing at least a meter away from her. He looked her up and down, observing her. Levi had never seen her before, probably a regular cadet, he thought. She seemed older than the other cadets. Usually, the younger ones say "I'm sorry" not "my apologies." He stared at her face and her eyes looked somewhere else out of awkwardness. He studied her face; her large grey eyes that shined from the reflection of the sun slowly setting, her long brown hair twisted into a tight braid reaching down her back. 

"Commander Levi, brat. I heard you hurry out here and scream. I thought the wall was breached again." He looked around and saw everything was as it was when he was here a few minutes ago.

"I'm sorry, Commander Levi." She looked down to her feet, "I let personal issues get in the way." He didn't understand her, she had a stern look on her face, but her eyes told a different story. He knew that look, pain. He wouldn't ask her questions, he didn't even know her name, let alone her backstory. He was curious, but he didn't care enough.

"Cadet, what is your name?" Levi asked, looking at her with the same stoic expression as always.

"Hayashi Ichika, 104th class, sir." She slightly bowed her head to him, then back up to see him staring at her again. This guy is starting to creep me out, she thought. But, that name Levi was familiar and the green cloak helped her put two and two together. She was talking to Captain Levi Ackerman from the Scout regiment. The only thing she knew about him was that he was "humanity's strongest" but he was probably the same height as her.

"Cadet Hayashi, let's go. Commander Pixis will give his procedures soon." After Levi finished his sentence, he pointed at the commander on the other side of the wall with a cadet next to him, she couldn't make out who it was but she immediately thanked Captain Levi.

"My apologies for the troubled, thank you, Captain Levi." She saluted to him one last time before jumping off the wall and using her ODM gear to head towards the rest of the cadets. He watched her, she had good technique, of course, she wasn't perfect but she did place 2nd in her class. Once she hit the ground and joined the rest of the troops, she listened to the Commander's wishes, praying everything would be fine.

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