Training Camp

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Third Person Perspective

After they got off the boat, Ichika spent days going hungry giving her rations to Sakura. To be a good mother, she thought she had to keep my baby fed to help her grow. Her mother told Sakura more stories of her grandmother, trying to avoid the topic of the cuts on her hand and what happened to her hair. 

Days later, they couldn't do it anymore. Kai and Ichika joined the military training camp to help keep themselves fed when rations were starting to get low. Not having anyone to take care of Sakura, they managed to sneak her into their cabin. 

After lots of convincing, Kaiyo and Ichika were able to share a room with each other. This would make it easier for Sakura to stay by her family and stay hidden, as children were not allowed in the training barracks.

Every night, the two siblings would find a book to read to Sakura and help teach her to read on her own. It was going to be hard letting a child grow when she can't go outside. Sometimes, Kaiyo would try to sneak her out, but his sister always be there to stop them. She couldn't risk either of them getting caught and be taken away from her.

When Kaiyo and Ichika go out for training, they'd go find little things to bring to Sakura. Little flowers, colorful leaves, anything that would peak her interests. They made sure to also bring back food for her after a trip to the dining hall. Pieces of bread, soup, anything that they could spare. Usually, this brunette girl would ask for everyone's leftovers before the siblings could, so most of Sakura's food came from Ichika's tray.

A few months have gone by, the usual routine, eating, training, taking care of Sakura.

Ichika woke up to see Sakura sleeping in her arms. She was adorable, her mother could never get tired of her. She slipped her arm away slowly from under her, making sure not to wake her up. Walking to the closet, she pulled out her uniform and began to get ready for the day.

When she finished getting dressed, Kaiyo was already gone. He was probably trying to get to breakfast early. She left her small cabin, locking the door behind her. 

As she made her way to the dining hall, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She gasped and backhanded the person who touched her.

"Jeez, is this how you make friends?" A familiar dark-haired boy had startled her. He was probably around 11. He was tall, maybe a few inches centimeters than her.

"Ah, Gomen! You startled me." Ichika gave a small bow and the boy laughed.

"That's okay, it didn't hurt that bad." She noticed a light red handprint on his cheek and winced. Ichika practically just slapped a child! "I'm Eren, I'm looking for my sister and you looked really similar to her, my mistake."

"It's okay, we can go check in the dining hall. I'm looking for my brother anyway." Giving Eren a nod and a slight smile, they continued to head in the path of the dining hall together. 

Once they both arrived, the two began to look around the room, but Ichika couldn't find her brother in here. Her chest began to fill with worry and Eren could see that on her face.

"It's okay, you can come to sit with my friends over there." She follow where he points and see a small blond-haired boy talking to a girl who seemed like she had completely turned off her feelings. Ichika shrug it off and let him lead her to the table.

"Hey guys, I ran into.." Eren turned to the short woman, not knowing what her name was. In his defense, she never even got the change to give it to him.

"Hayashi." She gave them a light smile and let Eren continue.

"Hayashi, on the way to the dining hall. She couldn't find her brother so I offered her to come to sit with us." He waits for the approval of the two sitting at the table then turns to Ichika. "This is Mikasa and Armin." They both game her a smile and Armin offered up the seat next to him.

"So, Hayashi, how old are you?" Armin asks out of curiosity. Ichika laughs when she saw Mikasa smack him on the arm.

"I don't mind, Mikasa, and I'm 22." All three of them look at her in shock.

"Wow, I thought you were like 17." Eren looks at me with curiosity. 

"Yeah, I came from Shiganshina. After the wall fell, I came here with my brother as a last resort type thing." She looked down at my lap, thinking about the events that happened, but smiled when she realized that at least her daughter and her brother were alive and well.

"Really? We are from Shiganshina, too! I'm going to be a scout and kill all the titans!" Eren spoke very bravely as if he wasn't terrified of titans. "What branch are you going to join?"

"I'm not sure, probably the scouts as well. My mother was in the scout regiment so it makes the most sense." She didn't exactly lie, she wanted to be a scout like her mother. But, she worried that she couldn't protect Sakura if she did join. 

She was the most important thing in her life.

"Eren, who is this beauty?" Ichika looked over Eren's shoulder and saw a tall man, probably the same age as Eren, smirking down at her.

"This is Hayashi, and you're way too young for her." He sighed and looked back at Ichika. "This is Jean, he's from the Trost District." Jean gave her a little wave and in return, gave him a hesitant smile. 

After Jean invited himself to sit with the four, the door to the dining hall opened and her brother came into view. Ichika let out a sigh of relief and gestured for him to come over here once she got his attention.

"Hey, where have you been?" She stood up and gave him a reassuring hug.

"He's here." Ichika heard him whisper in her ear so the rest of the table was oblivious to their conversation. 

Her lips parted a bit in surprise, her eyes ready to jump out of their sockets. There was only one 'he' and she knew exactly what he meant

"Hayashi, are you okay?" Mikasa asks at the table, but her voice was unheard by Ichika. She let go of Kaiyo and immediately headed towards their shared cabin at full sprint. 

Everyone was asking what's going on, but Kaiyo assured everything was fine. Her feet began picking up more and more speed, dodging other training members to get to her destination. Once Ichika reached it, she saw him leaning on the porch railing, staring at her.

Waiting for her.

"You know, if you were trying to hide from me, you shouldn't have joined the military." He stood there looking at down at her with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Reiner." She spat with disgust. After Sakura came along, she never wanted him near her daughter or her family for that matter.

"You look the same, sweetheart." He stepped down to meet her at the bottom. "You cut your hair, that's new."

"Why are you here?" She wasted no time getting to the point. Ichika couldn't look at him for another minute.

"I came to ask about my daughter, obviously." He said a little softer than his other comments, surprising her.

"She's not here, she is with her auntie. Please leave, neither of us has any interest in seeing you." Before Reiner could reply, she sped-walked away from him. She would then spend the rest of the day training with anger and regret.

For plot reasons, in this story, Reiner is older than his actual character. in the story, he's around Eren's age. But, for this story, Reiner is around mid 20s, making him a few years older than Ichika. Ty :)

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