Chapter 17

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As we walked in I could see Jungkook eyeing us with a hint of jealousy. I sat on the couch along with Felix while Jungkook finished balloons and Jin made a cake.

Out of nowhere I just here Jungkook scream and see him staring at Jin. Jin was holding a cake and it fell into the oven in many pieces. But, he still had two cakes that he could stack on top for layers. Luckily, Yoongi didn't see it happen.

"Cake is ready!" Jin yelled making Yoongi come running down the stairs. I walked in the kitchen to look at the cake. It looked like he had just bought it from the store it was that good.

He cut pieces for everyone that wanted one, which ended up the entire cake being gone. I sat on the couch eating my cake while Yoongi was watching Teen Titans. He had a piece of cake as well, but his was double the size of my cake.

Felix sat next to me without any cake. He didn't seem like he was enjoying it here at all from sitting outside because of the dogs, to not eating cake. I mean who doesn't eat cake at a birthday party?

The birthday party finished off and I went home. Felix stayed over, sleeping in the living room. I'm surprised that he didnt sleep in my room. Usually even my friends sleep in the same room as me. But, Felix can be a little cold so I didn't think of anything.

It was the next morning, I woke up early for school. Felix was nowhere to be found in the living room or the rest of the house. I just assumed that he had left. Jin made breakfast and sat on the couch along with my brothers and Lisa.

"Y/N guess what?" Lisa said excited. She got off the couch running to me with her phone. "What?" I asked confused. "We get a five day weekend!" She jumped in excitement. I widened my eyes and jumped with her. "Taehyung agreed to take us down town for two days, and we get to stay in a hotel with a pool!" She yelled with excitement. I screamed after she mentioned the hotel and pool.

"I'll text Felix." I said taking out my phone. "Don't forget about Jungkook. Also Yoongi is coming too" Lisa said. I nodded texting Felix and Jungkook.

We still have to go to school today, but hopefully it'll pass by quick. And I can talk to Felix since he never responds to my texts.

Jin drove us to school. I quickly got out of the car when I saw Felix. "Felix!" I yelled. He turned around looking at me expressionless. "What?" He asked in a cold tone. "We are going down town for two days wanna come?" I asked excited. "I guess." He said. After that he quickly turned around walking away.

I sighed walking back to Lisa. Jungkook came to school a couple minutes later. He walked because he woke up too late, Jin didn't want to wait.

"Hey, where is Jin?" He asked a little angry. "He said you took too long." I explained. "I came outside wait when you drove away." He whined. "Fine. I'll tell him to wait a little longer. But, you need to hurry up." I pointed at him. He bit my finger annoyed. I pulled it kicking him.

"What a bitch." I say as he walks away. "Can you two stop being so flirty?" Lisa asked. I immediately looked at her disgusted. "He's being an ass that's not flirting." I said. "Sure." She rolled her eyes pulling me into the school.

I looked at the clock that said 3:49 50 seconds. 10 seconds until our mini road trip. I excitedly stared at the clock not caring or paying attention to the teacher.

"Y/N?" I heard the teacher say. I looked at her clueless. "Sorry ma'am." I apologized. "Class dismissed." She said as the bell rang.

I sprinted down the hallway until I reached outside of school. I threw my backpack down waiting for my brothers and Lisa.

"You ready?" I looked to see Jungkook with Jin. "Yes sir." I said pulling on his car door waiting for him to open it. He rolled his eyes unlocking the car while I quickly sat in the third row in the middle like I usually do.

"Felix!" I say as he walked to the car. "Hi." He said sitting in front of me. "You can sit back here with Jungkook and I." I said patting the open space next to me. "That's my seat." I heard from behind him. I knew it was Taehyung.

"He can still come back I'll just sit in his lap." I said. Felix rolled his eyes picking me up and setting me on his left leg so I was halfway on him and halfway on Jungkook. Taehyung sat next to Felix on the right side keeping anyone from moving seats.

Lisa and Jimin sat in the second row since the second row. While Jin drove and Namjoon sat in the passenger seat.

We quickly drove to Jungkook's house to pick up Yoongi. Yoongi sat in the middle of the second row, separating Jimin and Lisa.

We went to Jin's favorite fast food restaurant for lunch. Felix pushed me off his lap and onto Jungkook's. I looked at him confused, "why'd you push me off?" He rolled his eyes. "I can't eat with you on me." He said eating his noodles. I scoffed, "I'm eating with her on my lap." Jungkook said behind me. I crossed my arms looking at Felix, "yeah it's not that hard." I felt angry.

I grabbed Jungkook's noodles eating some since Jin was an ass not getting me any. "Jin, tell me why you couldn't get me any noodles?" I asked angrily. "You have Felix and Jungkooks." He said. "Felix can I have some?" He shook his head immediately. I hate when he is so cold about literally everything. If he doesnt like something he wastes no time to leave, and he never shares anything with me.

Jungkook being the kind man he is gave me the rest of his noodles. I moved around on Jungkook's lap placing my legs on Felix. He pushed them off immediately crossing his arms trying to sleep. I sighed I was sad that he gives no attention to me. Jungkook noticed and grabbed me hugging my waist tightly.

"You tired?" He asked putting his head on my shoulder. I nodded while he placed my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep quickly in his arms.

I woke up on something very comfortable. I looked below me to see I was in a bed, a hotel bed to be exact. I assumed Jungkook or Taehyung carried me inside. I looked around the room to see Felix on the bed next to me and Jungkook on the bed on the opposite side. I had never been in a three bed hotel room besides a pull out bed.

I checked my phone that was buzzing. It was Jin's number. I quickly answered. "Finally You answered." He said annoyed. "I was sleeping." I said not in the mood to be yelled at after I had just woken up. "Well get ready because we are going to some shops downtown." He explained. "Yeah don't keep me waiting." I heard Yoongi say in the background.

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