Chapter 12

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"Everyone knows it's not true." I said not worried at all at what Jisoo had told us. "They will believe it after I post this." Jisoo said. I looked at Jungkook who didnt look worried either. "Look at our faces. We will just tell them it was fake news. We don't care, Taehyung posts stupid shit like that all the time." I explained.

"They really thought they did something." I whispered to Jungkook. He laughed in response. "Ok, well I'm gonna leave so see you." I waved at Jisoo getting up. Jungkook followed as we walked to the other side of the park to avoid Hoseok and Jisoo.

"I'm overheating in this t-shirt." I said. "Ok?" Jungkook said confused. "I'm gonna take it off, so would you give me privacy?" I asked. "I'll just look at my phone." He said unbothered. I sighed taking off my shirt and using it as a fan. I poured water on my head to cool me down as well. "What are you doing?" Jungkook asked looking at my wet hair. "It's a way to cool down." I explained. "You're gonna get Jin's car all wet and he will kill you for that." He said looking down from my hair.

"What the hell are you looking at?" I asked disgusted. I knew he was staring at my chest area. "My eyes are up here." I snapped my fingers in his face. "Bitch I'll beat you." I say getting up. I put on my shirt quickly crossing my arms at Jungkook. "You're just jealous." I said. "No I'm not." He said crossing his arms as well. "Ugh why cant we leave?" I sat down putting my head on the table. "Trust me I want to leave too." He said sighing.

"Taehyung get your ass down here before I destroy Jin's car." I yelled into the phone. "Fine." He hung up. We waited at the entrance for them. I was shaking my t-shirt to get airflow onto my skin underneath. Eventually they came and we got into the car. "Finally." I said drinking some water.

"Give me some water." I heard Taehyung say. "It's mine." I said holding it away from him in front of Jungkook. Jungkook took it and drank the remaining water. "What a bitch." I said kicking him. "I will break your foot." He said angrily. "Try me bitch." I kicked him again hard in the shoulder. He took my shoe and threw it to the back of the car.

I was leaning over the seat to grab my shoe. I felt someone smacking my butt. I glared knowing it was Taehyung. "Take your hands off my ass you perv." I yelled sitting back on the seat. "It was Jungkook." He said raising his hands above his head. "Jungkook wouldn't dare to touch my beautiful ass." I said. "Beautiful? My ass is bigger than yours." Jungkook said. "No it's not." We argued about who's ass was bigger until we reached the hotel.

Jungkook stole my bed as soon as we walked in the room. "What the fuck! Get off my bed." I pulled his injured ankle. He yelped in pain, "ok just don't touch it." He said sitting up. I rubbed his ankle before pushing him off the bed. "Can you rub my ankle more?" He held his ankle in front of me. "Jimin?" Jimin looked at me and shook his head. "He asked you not me." I rolled my eyes pulling Jungkook's foot.

"I cant go that far I'll fall off my bed." He complained. I let go of his foot in annoyance. "Fine I'll sit on your bed then." He got up and sat on my bed putting his foot on my lap. "What a baby." I said annoyed with how he was acting. I massaged his foot while watching tv. Jungkook and Jimin scrolled through their phones for a couple hours. I was about to take a nap until I heard a knock on the door.

It was Taehyung. "We are swimming in the pool. You guys coming." I jumped in excitement. "I'm coming." I said. I ran over to Jimin and Jungkook who were laying on my bed. "We going swimming wake up." I said. They nodded getting up and changing. After I changed we all met in the lobby before heading to the pool.

I jumped into the pool immediately. The water was refreshing after a long day out in the heat. Lisa and Taehyung sat on each other in the hot tub. I looked at them disgusted. "Jimin hand me the basketball." I said. He threw the basketball to me. Everyone except Lisa and Taehyung were in the pool.

I was playing basketball with Jimin until Jungkook interfered. "Go play with Namjoon and Jin." I said annoyed. Namjoon and Jin were playing around in the splash pad like children. "I'm not four." Jungkook said taking the ball from my hands. I was annoyed and took the ball back.

We were playing Jimin and I vs. Jungkook. Jimin made most of the points while Jungkook would block some of my shots. I shot the ball and Jungkook jumped up in front of me a few feet away landing on top of me. I pushed him off and choked on water. I couldn't stop coughing until finally Jimin helped by patting my back. "Thank you Jimin." I said and he nodded.

"Why the hell do you have to tackle me?" I asked annoyed. "Sorry I didnt mean to." He said. "How are you even playing with your ankle?" I asked confused. "Your cast definitely isnt water proof, I dont have one. So, I should be ok with hopping on one foot." He said. I widened my eyes, I forgot about my cast not being waterproof. "Jin!" I yelled getting his attention. "What?" He yelled back. "My cast isn't waterproof." I said with wide eyes.

"Yes it is." Jin laughed. "We knew you'd do stupid shit so we got a waterproof one." I looked back at Jungkook. "You're dead." I swam to him pushing him underwater. I stood on his shoulders hoping he would drown. Sadly, he was strong enough to lift me up. He lifted me up and threw me across the water. "Jimin she tried to kill me." He complained to Jimin. Jimin rolled his eyes getting out of the pool.

"Where are you all going?" I asked as everyone got out except Jungkook and me. "Leaving." Jin said walking out of the pool with everyone else. Jungkook and I were left in the pool by ourselves. "Can you leave?" I asked Jungkook. "Now that you asked. No." He crossed his arms. "I'll drown you again." I said inching towards him. "Try me." He said not moving.

I got to him pushing his head underwater, he shot up again throwing me across the water. "This is no fun." I said crossing my arms. "How about I drown you this time?" Jungkook asked smiling. "No. I'll really die because you're fat." I said. He glared at me swimming towards me.

Once he got to me he shoved my head underwater with both his hands. I tried pushing them but it was no use. I tried with all my might and it didn't work. I thought I was going to die because of Jungkook. To my surprise he took his hand off my head and pulled me up. I coughed up water glaring at him.

"I hate you." I said getting out of his grip and getting out of the pool. I layed down on the edge breathing heavily and staring at the wall that had a reflection of the pool. I felt a grip around my ankle and looked up to see Jungkook. He was in the pool holding onto my ankle, slowly pulling me in.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily. "Just come and swim." He said pulling me. I fell into the pool still with his hand around my ankle. "Would you leave me alone? You almost killed me." I said annoyed. He pulling me around the pool by my ankle until we reached the deep end. He let go of me and swam to the shallow part. I just crossed my arms sinking to the bottom.

I opened my eyes underwater seeing Jungkook's legs in the distance. He went underwater opening his eyes and looking at me. I flipped him off looking away and laying on the bottom. I was there for a little long. Jungkook swam towards me and lifted me up. "What? Why cant I be in peace?" I asked annoyed. He held me bridal style swimming to the shallow end. "I thought you were gonna kill yourself. Your brothers would've killed me." He said.

"Let go of me." I said trying to get out of his grip. "I want to go back to my room and sleep." I said. He let me go and got out of the pool behind me. "You stay here I'm leaving. Stop following me." I said annoyed. "I'm not I'm going to sleep." He said drying off his hair and wrapping the towel around his shoudlers. "Ok bye. Then I'm staying." I said heading back to the pool. I jumped back in followed by a splash after mine.

I turned around to see Jungkook sticking his feet in the water. "Can you leave already?" I asked annoyed. "No. I have to stay until you leave." He said. I rolled my eyes getting out of the pool and drying off. I walked out of the pool room and headed to the elevator. I reached my room and walked in with Jungkook.

"Finally you two are back." Jimin said. "Yup." I sat on the bedroom floor to not get my bed all wet. Jungkook on the other hand layed on his bed getting it soaked. "Jungkook I would change cause you're getting your bed wet." Jimin explained. Jungkook nodded heading to the bathroom. I took this chance to go back down to the pool.

I walked in the pool room set my towel down and jumped in the pool. I swam for 10 minutes until the door opened. "Jimin told me you came back here." I sighed knowing it was Jungkook. "Can't you just let me be?" "I'm not swimming so you do you." He sat down next to the pool dipping his feet in. I layed on my back swimming around for 20 minutes until I started to feel sleepy.

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