Chapter 11

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"People walk around shirtless. If he gets to hot he can walk around shirtless." Taehyung said. I snapped my head towards his direction glaring at him. "You have a shirt underneath right?" I asled looking at Jungkook. He shook his head as a no. "Just wear shorts and a t-shirt it's not that hard." I complained.

We got to Six Flags a few minutes later. I had to wait for Jungkook to get out of the car. It took him forever because of his leg. "Finally, took you long enough." I said when he got out of the car.

"Ok, where we going first?" I looked at my brothers. "Uh I think you mean where are you and Jungkook going first." Taehyung said smiling. "No I'll still follow you guys around and just watch you." I said smiling back at Taehyung. "You're going to die from boredom, but you do you." Namjoon said. "I'm just kidding I'm gonna get some churros." I pointed on the map Six Flags provided. "That's on the other side of the entrance." Jin said. "Yeah, it'll give me something to do." They just nodded and walked off.

I looked at the map and the direction I was going to make sure I was going the right direction. "Yah! Can you walk slower." I heard from behind me. I looked to see Jungkook, "why the hell are you following me?" I asked annoyed. "I get lost easily and I'm slow because of my ankle." He explained. "Hurry it up then." I said walking again.

We made it to the churros stand. I got 8 churros while Jungkook got none. "You aren't gonna buy any?" He shook his head. "Forgot my money, but I can do this." He stole a churro. "You bitch." I grabbed the churros and walked to sit at a table away from him. "Dammit would you leave me be." I said annoyed when Jungkook walked over. "I won't eat any I promise." He rose his hands above his head in surrender.

After I finished my churros I walked around looking at all the rides and carnival games. I saw Jin on a rollercoaster screaming his head off. I couldn't stop laughing I fell over. Jungkook stood behind me clueless. He poked me with his crutch, it stabbed me in the side painfully. "What the fuck!" I yelled. "Shh there's children. Plus you looked dead." I glared at him before getting up and walking away quickly. "Yah! I can't go that fast." I heard him yell from behind.

I didn't care if I was too fast for him. He was getting on my nerves. "Y/N!" I heard someone yell. I stopped and turned around knowing it was Jungkook. "If you keep being an ass I won't stop next time." I said once he caught up. "Fine." He said. I began walking again while he trailed behind me. "Can we sit down and take a break?" I sighed. "10 minutes maximum." He nodded sitting at a nearby table.

He took off his sweatshirt because of how warm it was. I looked away not wanting to look at him. "You should've brought a shirt. You look like one of those playboys trying to get girls." I looked at him annoyed. "I'm sorry, I'm overheating. I'd rather not pass out and maybe die." He glared at me. I rolled my eyes and scrolled through my phone.

I felt someone sit next to me. I looked in annoyance thinking it was Taehyung. But, it was Hoseok. "What the hell? What do you want?" I asked annoyed and disgusted. "I'm here with Jisoo we thought we might say hi." He said waving at Jungkook and back at me. "Oh Jisoo. Namjoon still doesnt know you cheated on him." I said looking at Jisoo. "Actually, we broke up before Hoseok and I hooked up." Jisoo explained. "Weird. Hoseok didn't tell me or break up with me before hooking up with you." I said annoyed.

"You have Jungkook anyways." Jisso said. "Sorry what?" "Aren't you two dating." I choked on my own saliva. "No. My brother just made a fan page because he ships us." I explained. "Oh, then why are you two together right now?" She asked a little confused. "I have a broken arm, he has broken ankle so we can't ride. Taehyung made us come with him and my brothers." I explained. "Oh well, you two are still cute." She said.

I pounded my head on the table in annoyance. Why does everyone say that? I heard laughing and saw Jungkook. "Shut up." I said angrily. "If you don't stop laughing I'll leave you to get kidnapped." I knew he would stop. "Ok, well bye." I waved at Hoseok and Jisoo hoping they would leave. They didn't move a muscle though. "You guys gonna ride roller coasters?" I asked wanting them to leave. "No. We want to talk to you guys." Jisoo said smiling.

"I have to go find my brothers and Lisa." I said getting up and dusting off my clothes. Jungkook got up as well putting his sweatshirt back on. "Nice abs." Jisoo said. I laughed a little. "Uh thanks." Jungkook said. He looked to see me laughing. "What's so funny?" He glared at me. "You have abs? Where?" I said laughing. He lifted up his sweatshirt and pointed at his six pack. I rolled my eyes, "sure." "You don't have abs." He said annoyed.

"Wanna bet?" He nodded. I pulled up my shirt revealing a six pack. "Boom." I said pulling my shirt back down. "Mine are bigger than yours." He said crossing his arms. "No they aren't. Jisoo who's abs are bigger?" I asked her out of the blue. "Jungkook's." She said licking her lips. "Um. Arent you dating Hoseok?" I asked confused. "I think she's a playgirl." Jungkook whispered to me. "More like a slut. She moves to the next man if he has more than the previous man." I whispered back.

"Yeah, sorry Jisoo I like someone." Jungkook said. "It's not you." I laughed while Jisoo frowned. "Haha you're good." I said to Jungkook. "I know." He said cockily. "I'm calling Taehyung my legs hurt like hell." I said walking to a table away from Jisoo and Hoseok.

"Can we leave it's fucking hot and my legs hurt." I complained. "Just take off you shirt." "Sorry what? I will not walk around with a sports bra on and no shirt." I yelled into the phone. "Well we are going to be here for a long time." Taehyung said. "What an ass." I said shaking my shirt to cool down a little. Jungkook sat down next to me, "there's a water stand over there." He pointed to a stand nearby.

I got water and walked back to the table I was at before. To my surprise Hoseok and Jisoo were there. Jungkook looked at me mouthing 'help me' I laughed a little. I sat down next to Jungkook since it was the only seat available. "Jisoo he said he dont like you. Get over it." I said annoyed. "No. Look at him, he's begging for me." I spit out the water I was drinking. "I have a better body than you and he wants a fucking body builder. So, I'd just give up." I said.

"Jungkook would rather date me than date you." Jisoo said. Jungkook shook his head laughing a little. "Y/N isn't as annoying as you. So, I'd rather date her." Jungkook said making me laugh. "Haha I got that on video." Jisoo said pulling out her phone. "I don't see your point." I said confused. "I'll tell the whole school you're dating." She warned.

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