Chapter 6

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"What else do I have to do?" He whined. "Your not acting like a four year old anymore you can cut the act." I joked while he glared at me. "Anyways. I want the dogs at my house for a month, all of them. Then, make me breakfast for 2 months. That's it, pretty simple." I explained and layed back.

"Easy? I have to cook you breakfast for 2 months." He said. "That's easy." Jin said. "See shouldn't be hard." I tried holding in my laugh. Only Jin is good at cooking and enjoys it, cooking would be hard for any other guy except Jin. He sighed, "fine. But, dont keep testing me." He warned. I laughed, "I'll do what I want." I crossed my arms.

I was in the car being smashed by Jungkook and Taehyung's shoulders. "Tae, tell why I have to sit next to this guy." I looked at him with anger. "Because you two are cute together." He said pushing me a little. "Excuse me? Cute together?" I shook my head. "Hell no." I pushed him back. "Fine. But, if you date in the future just know I'm always right." I rolled my eyes, "pfft sure."

This damn car ride was 4 hours long. I set my head on Taehyung's shoulder trying to fall asleep. He quickly shoved it harshly. "Yah! What the fuck? Be nice to me for once." I said annoyed. I just wanted to sleep, the last thing I wanted was to be interrupted. Especially by Taehyung. "Go sleep on your boyfriend." He pushed me towards Jungkook. Jungkook and I both looked at Taehyung in disgust. He quickly took a photo and showed it me.

"Aw you two make the same faces." He said fangirling. I took his phone and took a photo of him. I turned on the flash which made him squint his eyes. "And you look like you're dead." I handed him the phone after I had posted it on social media. He gasped, "No. My beautiful photography is ruined because of you." He fake cried. I rolled my eyes.

"Let me sleep." I said to Taehyung over and over again. "Like I said 20 times before, sleep on your boyfriend." He pushed me towards Jungkook once again. "Like I said hell no." We kept fighting and saying the same things. Jungkook got tired of it and placed my head on his shoulder, "just shut the fuck up." He said annoyed.

Taehyung smiled wide and took out his phone. "I'm creating a fan page for you two." He said. I couldn't hear because I had already fallen asleep.

I woke up to my head dropping on something hard. "What the?" I opened my eyes confused. Taehyung was laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I asked annoyed and confused. "Jungkook got up and you head went from his shoulder to the seat with a loud bang." He said showing me his phone. I looked at the video. "Thats why my ear hurts like hell." I said rubbing my ear.

"Yah! Jungkook." I yelled. He turned around annoyed. "What?" He said angrily. "The dogs stay at my house remember?" He groaned annoyed. "But, I cant sleep without my dogs." He complained. "Ok, then sleep on the floor with the dogs." I ran up to him and grabbed the dogs from him. I ran inside and let the dogs free.

I walked to my bedroom as all the dogs followed me. "Your joking." I said as they all layed on my bed. Jungkook laughed from behind me, "looks like you get the living room." I shook my head. "Nope. My bed is mine." I pushed him out of the bedroom and shut the door. I found a place to lay on the bed having many dog bodies against me.

"Tae help me." I said gasping for air. "Why?" He said laughing a little from the other line. "Frenchy is sitting on me and I cant breathe." I managed to say. "Ok, I'm sending Jungkook." "What? Why him?" Before he could answer my question i heard my door open. Jungkook and Taehyung walked in. "Help me please." I say struggling. Taehyung laughed recording the event. "No I'm serious I'm gonna pass out." I said slowly.

"Frenchy please." I begged as tears began to fall out of my eyes. Taehyung was still recording while laughing. Jungkook stopped laughing when he saw tears running down my face. "Um Tae?" He said and Taehyung looked at him. "I think she's really hurting." He said a little concerned. "Pfft sure." Taehyung said leaving my room.

Tears were constantly streaming down my face as I looked at Jungkook. I couldn't manage to say anything due to how heavy the dog was. Jungkook immediately walked towards me prying the dog off me. I sat up once the dog was off gasping for air still crying.

"Yah! Taehyung." He yelled walking out of my bedroom. "What?" Taehyung asked confused. "Your sister almost died in there because of that heavy dog." He explained with angry expression on his face. "Why do you like her?" Taehyung teased. "No. But, she could've died and I don't want to watch someone die." He explained. "Fair enough." I walked out of my room to Taehyung.

"I wish you were dead." I say punching Taehyung hard in the stomach. "You feel the lack of air? Well now you know how I felt." I said angrily still with tears streaming down my face. "Why are you still crying?" Taehyung asked. "Because my life just flashed before my eyes." I said wiping away my tears and calming down.

"Jungkook what dog do you sleep with?" I asked looking at him. "All of them." He said. I looked at him annoyed. "Pick one." He shook his head. "I need at least three." I rolled my eyes and walked back to my room. "My brother's dogs always sleep in here along with Frenchy when she stays here. So, you have your two dogs." I handed him his two dogs and he shook his head.

"No. Three." I shook my head annoyed. "If you really want three sleep on the floor near the door. That's the jackpot." I explained. I layed on my bed while he got situated on the floor near the door. "I didn't think you'd actually sleep there." I said surprised. "Well, now you know." He layed down disappearing in the dog fur.

I turned on the tv and watched whatever was live. It was a dating show, me not knowing they would show the sex scene. People started moaning and they showed the entire thing. Jungkook sat up immediately and looked at me disgusted. "This is what you watch?" I shook my head. "I usually watch whatever is live and this was it." He nodded getting up from the corner and walking near the bed to look at the tv.

"Why the hell are you watching it?" I looked at him disgusted. "Because why not." I switched channels and walked to the kitchen to get water. I came back to hear the sex show from before on the tv. I walked over to see Jungkook asleep laying in my bed. I turned off the tv and walked over to Jungkook.

"Yah! Jungkook." I shook him. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly. "What?" He asked sleepy. "Get out of my bed, you get the floor." I said trying to pull him out of my bed. But, he didn't budge.

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