Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
••Luke's POV••

This morning, about 10am, I woke up with sore eyes and a sleeping baby on my chest. Last night Bailey and Michael went back to Bailey's house and I was left alone. It was painfully quiet in the house. I'm surprised I even fell asleep last night. Corona fell right to sleep as soon as I put her on my chest. Abby always did that. I had the strangest dream last night.

~Dream~ (Beginning)

"Luke. wake up baby." a soft voice told me. I opened my eyes to see perfect baby blue eye staring back at me.

"Abby?!" I said hugging her tightly.

"You're okay?" she nodded

"Are you?" She asked.

"No..." I said looking down at her hands that were wrapped in mine.

She grabbed my face, rubbed her thumbs across my cheeks and said, "Luke, everything will be okay. I promise. Don't worry."

"But what if everything wont be okay? What if something bad happens? What if im left with Corona? I dont know how to take care of a baby all by myself." I said standing up pacing back and forth. Abby pulled me back.

"Look. Everything WILL be okay. NOTHING bad will happen. Lastly, even if something bad does happen you will the BEST dad in the world." She yelled at me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Goodbye Luke." She said. I tried to open my eyes but I just couldn't. But when I could, I woke up.

~Dream~ (End)

Today I get to go see Abby at the hospital. I just can not wait to see how she is doing and to see if she really is okay.

Right now I'm feeding Corona cause she just wouldn't leave me be until I did. After I did that I put her in her crib, got a shower and got dressed in a black shirt, black ripped jeans, black and white converses and a dark grey beanie. I got Corona dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with black leggings and a red lace tutu that Bailey bought her. I put her in converses that matched mine. I brushed her hair and since her hair so long, like her mother's hair, I put it in a ponytail with a black and red bow. Abby would be happy with my clothing choices. I laughed at that thought.

As I got into my car Corona said something that scared me slightly. She said "Hi mama."

This scared me because well I don't really know. It left a uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I pulled into the parking lot and Corona started to giggle.

"What's funny baby?" I said pulling her out of her car seat.

"Mama." she replies.

"Corona, can you see mommy?" She nodded.

"Where?" I asked next. She poked my shoulder and then my shoulder suddenly got cold.

"Mama okay." Corona said trying to grab something behind me as we walked to the front desk. When the woman saw me she smiled and asked why I was there and I told her that I wanted to see my girlfriend. She told me the room number and I walked away. When Corona and I got to the room she started to wiggle out of my arms. I put her down and held her hand. I walked into the room only to see my girlfriend lifeless and cold body laying there.

I sat Corona on the end of the bed and a doctor walked in.

"Hello you must be Luke." The man said. He looked like he was in his early 60's.

"Um yeah. So how is she?" I asked.

"Well she had some internal bleeding and was very cut up but so far she is stable and okay. She should be waking up soon. The medicine that we gave her earlier should be wearing off." I nodded looking at her pale face.

"If you need me, feel free to come get me. Im just down the hall. "

"Okay thank you." he smiled and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

I sat down and just stared at every inch of Abby's face. She looked so pale. She looked almost as if you could touch her and break her. She never looked like this before. I grabbed her hand lightly and held it. She was so cold. Corona just watched my every move and copied it. She was holding Abby's hand in her two tiny ones. She really loved her mama.

Suddenly Abby's hand gripped mine as her eyes started to open. She turned her head towards me and smiled.

"I told you. I'd be okay." Abby said in a light and weak voice.

"Well hi to you too. How do you feel?" I asked.

"Like I was hit by a truck." She grinned. I laughed at her answer.

"Mama!" Corona said crawling up to Abby's chest and laying down. Abby put her hand on Corona's back and rubbed it with her finger tips. Slowly I felt heat coming back to her hands.

Later that night the doctor told Abby and I that she should be okay to go home in a couple of days and that she can't really do much when she does. Basically, she is going from laying in one bed to another.

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