Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

On this fine Sunday morning I woke up to crying, screaming and thumping noises. The noises were coming from the guest room where Michael was sleeping and Bailey is missing so I know what they are doing. Screaming is coming from Luke yelling at someone down stairs and Corona is crying. Well damn can I cry too?

"Bailey! Michael! Break my bed and both of you are going to have a foot up you know where!" I yell through the door.

"Luke, just calm your man tits!" I yell down the stair-steps.

"Corona, mommy's here." I said in a soft loving voice. I wrap her up in a blanket and walk down stairs. Luke and Ashton are pouting on the floor while Calum is sitting on the couch smiling widely. The bedroom noises stopped.

"So what's wrong with you two?" I asked calmly.

"Calum cheated!" Luke and Ashton said in unison sounding like a pair of five-year-olds.

"No I didn't! they just suck at this game." Calum replied.

"What game?" I asked.

"FIFA. Why?" he said.

"Give me a controller." Luke handed me his. Within minutes the game was over and I won.

"Calum, my friend, you just got beat by a girl with a baby in her lap." He pouted and I laughed as Corona mocked him.

I notice the sound Corona's stomach just made. She's hungry. I stood up and went to the kitchen to make some food. Bailey and Michael must have smelled the food and came running down the stairs.

Love y'all ~ Abby xoxoxo

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