Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
••Abby's POV••

It's Saturday night and Corona is napping and Luke and I are just sitting on the couch. I hope Bailey is doing something better than this. I got up and told Luke that I was going to go shower. He nodded and kissed my temple and went into the kitchen. As I walked up the stairs, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and no one was there. I sighed and turned around. As soon as I turned around there he was, at the top of the stairs. Luke's uncle. I started to back away and then I ran. I ran into the kitchen and basically jumped onto Luke's back.

"He-he is here!" When I said those words Luke's eyes almost instantly turned black.

"Stay here." Luke said. "And when I say so, go get Corona." I nodded and stood there as the love of my life went to go do something to his family member.
After about a minute or so, I here this.

"Look we can do this the easy way, you leave, or we can do this the hard way, you die. You pick." Luke said in a stern voice.

"Luke you and I both know that she can't live like this. You didn't even make her a full demon which makes that baby not a full demon either." his uncle said.

"I know but this isn't your son you're talking to. You're really not even my uncle. You're just a family friend and that mean you have no say on what I do." Luke yelled.

I started to peek around the corner to see what was going on.

"You're the reason why your father died and YOU are the reason why Abby's parents died." that's where I had to stop him.

"Look 'uncle' you will never be able to talk about my parents like that! Ever! You're just someone who is irrelevant!"

"Look here you little b-"

"Don't even think of calling me that." Suddenly I saw Luke's uncles arm start to bleed.

"You aren't even a real demon. You're half. You can't do anything to me." He said in a harsh tone.

"Then why is your arm bleeding?" I smirk. As I said that Luke pulled him outside and literally tore him apart. From the front door I heard Corona giggling. I guess she finds this funny.

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