Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
•Abby's POV•
*9 Months Later*

Everything is back to normal. Luke lives with me again. Bailey should pop her baby out any day now. Corona is speaking more and is a creative little girl. Tate is starting to learn how to play instruments. Bailey and Michael move across the street from Luke and I.

Today Bailey and I are going to be setting up the nursery and getting little odds and ends done before her baby comes. While we are doing that, Michael and Luke are putting together the baby's crib, swing, and play pin thing. Everything is different shades of blue and bow ties because...Bailey is having a boy!  Corona kept saying something about having a new best friend and when I asked her who it was she just said that she didn't know but that she knew it was a boy. Then, one day Bailey came over and Corona kept smiling and rubbing Bailey's belly. Bailey asked her why she was doing that then she said that her best friend was in there and then it all made since.

Once Luke and I got over Bailey's house with Corona and Tate with us, I sensed something was wrong. We knocked on the door and Michael opened the door for us. He must have seen the concern written all over my face because he said, "She's fine. Just contractions."  I nodded and walked to the nursery where Bailey was sitting on the floor folding the baby's clothes. 

"Hey soon to be mama. How are you feeling?" I said sitting next to her on the floor.  I picked up some clothes and started to flood then.

"Hey, I'm pretty good considering I'm having contractions." She said looking like she was perfectly fine, just like how I was when I was in labor.

Corona was peeking in the door acting all shy and what not. I smiled at her and told her to come in by telling her mentally.  It still kinda weird me out that I can do that. Talk to people through thought. Corona walked in and sat in my lap.

"Hi Bailey!" Corona waved vigorously, almost hitting me in the face in the process.

"Hi Corona." Bailey said while holding back laughter.

"When is best friend coming?" Corona said in her soft voice. Corona doesn't know the name of the baby so she called it "best friend".  No one knows the name of the baby. I dot really think Bailey not Michael know the name they are going to pick yet.

"Very very soon... I hope." She replied, folding the last piece on clothing.

Corona and I helped her put all the clothes in the dresser and some in the closet. After that, I help Bailey put together her hospital bag and Michael's hospital bag.

About an hour later the crib and swing her set up and put in the nursery and the play pin is in the living room. Very thing is in order and Bailey looks quite pleased with everything. I'm so excited for my best friend to have a baby! After a while we ordered pizza and the boys played video games. If you were wondering where Tate was all day he was with Luke and Michael putting thing together. When it was about 10:00pm Luke and I decided to go home because Corona and Tate both looked like they wanted to pass out. We left Bailey and Michael's house and walked across the street to ours. It's cool that they live only across the street from us.

Luke carried Tate and I carried Corona. While we were walking up the stairs to the kid's rooms, I thought about how my mom used to do this with me, carry me to bed when I fell asleep on the couch, and how I finally get to do it and now Bailey gets to do it soon. When I looked down at Corona, I thought about how she'll never really know her grandparents.

"Mama?" Corona whispered looking up at me.

"Yes baby?" I rubbed her head, combing through her long blonde hair with my fingers.

"I love you..." Her voice got softer and quieter with very word.

"I love you too." I kissed her forehead and tucked her in and left her room to see if Luke put Tate to bed yet or not.

Right as I was about to walk in Tate's room, I heard Luke's voice singing softly. I've noticed when Tate has trouble sleeping he'll ask one of us to sing to him. That's literally the cutest thing because he gets all shy when he asks. When I heard Luke stop, I looked in and saw Luke kiss Tate's forehead and tuck him in just like I did to Corona and walked towards the door. I leaned against the wall and watched him close the door.

"That was cute." I said

"I try to be." He smiled and walked into our bedroom. I followed him.

"So what do you think about Michael being a dad soon?"

"Well he'll probably be like me. Overly protective of his family." Luke said with a smile.

"Yeah, probably. I mean he is very protective over Corona and she isn't even his child. You know?" I said laying back and propping myself up on my elbows. Luke nodded in agreement and laid next to me. I laid my head on his chest and smiled up at him. He kissed my forehead then my lips and cuddled me closer. Soon after, we were fast asleep.


Hey guys and gals!

I'm back! I'm sorry for the wait. Writers block sucks and I was going through some family things and school things... so my life was a little crazy for a good long while. I have had a cold for about a week so I basically have had a lot of time on my hands and so I thought "I should update my book..." Ps, the little girl is Corona BTW...

So here we are and again I really hope Y'all aren't mad at me for taking forever to update and so yeah. Vote, comment your thoughts, and share if you would like and I LOVE YOU ALL so so so SO much!! Have a great amazing day (or night depending on when you read this lol!!!)

Love you, Abby xoxo

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