34. You are what now?

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I open my eyes starring straight at my bedroom ceiling. A loud sigh escapes my mouth, knowing I'm lying here alone. I wanted to say with Willow, but since it's my birthday and I know my mother would want me to stay home.  

I should be excited to turn eighteen, and I am, but a part of me is a little worried. The pressure of going to college is enormous. My father has been nagging me to come and work at his firm after I finish high school. I don't want that, because I don't think I am fit to work in such a huge lawyer company. He wants me to be assistance and first, at least. I don't know what he is thinking. But I know I'm not going to enjoy it. 

Honestly, the only thing I have in mind is to stay where I am. I like working at Haven and enjoy being around Grace and Helena, but most of all, Willow. We might not see each other as often since she is mostly in the kitchen, and I am out on the floor. Yet, it's nice. Even though I hate when school mates appear, I can always ask Grace to take over. 

She has noticed that it's a problem for me and has stepped in a few times the last couple of weeks. Grace is very kind and fun to be around. Helena has also been amazing, always making sure I eat during the day, and sometimes she pulls me down and force me to. I don't know why she is so nice to me, but I like it. 

Willow wanted us to try and see how our relationship would take us. But she didn't want to make it official until today, since I turned eighteen. She didn't want to get into any trouble. I can understand her. She has been through so much already, and getting into a new mess wouldn't help her. 

I haven't had a dream about Willow for a few weeks now, which is odd. Willow hasn't mentioned anything, so I don't know if it's good or not. It's weird, though. I have had these dreams for a year, and now they are gone. Not that I am complaining, I mean I found the woman of my dreams. How lucky am I? 

After getting out of bed and taking a long, warm shower, I find my way down to my mother. She is preparing breakfast for the day as my brother is seated at the table, playing a game on his phone. 

"Good morning," My mother smiles while drying her hands on a cloth. 

"Happy birthday," She pulls me in for a hug. 

"Can't believe you are eighteen," She holds me even tighter before she lets me go again and looks at me for a little while as if she is about to cry. 

"Sit down; breakfast is almost ready," I do as I am told, placing myself next to my brother. Who doesn't seem to notice me that much? He is too far gone into his game. Mom takes the fresh bread out of the oven as the eggs and bacon cook on the stove.

"Do you need help?" I wonder on the way to get out of my seat.

"No, it's all done," She smiles and placing the bread on the counter. As my mother made everything ready, I take a piece of bread and add some butter to with. 

"Mom?" I call out her name to get her attention. 

"Yeah," She answers as she sits down in front of me. It's nice, and it's only the three of us. My mom's boyfriend has been around most of the time lately, but he had to go to work today, which I don't mind.

"I need to talk to you about something," I say, shyly looking down at my plate. 

"What is it?" She asks, and we meet eyes. 

 "Well, you know how dad is all about me working for him?" I reminded her.

"Yeah?" She says, unsurely where we are going.

"I don't' want that," I say, and she breaths out deeply with a sorry look on her face.

"I can understand you very much, Harley. Your dad is intense sometimes," 

"Sometimes?" I said louder than I expected. 

"Yeah, I know. I think you should do whatever you want. There is no pressure from me, and if you decided to go to college, that is good, but if not, that is okay. You have a nice job at the moment, and you have time. I will talk to your dad," She says, and I didn't expect her to be so nice about it. Perhaps I'm used to my father pushing us so much. It's excusing, and it adds pressure. 

"So, you would be okay if I didn't go to college next year and just work where I am?" I wonder, only to make sure I understood her. 

"Yeah, I mean, I didn't go to college, and I'm doing fine," She shrugs. 

"Your dad is just as uptight as your grandfather. He might not like it, but he has to," My mother winks at me, which makes me chuckle. It feels like half of the weight upon my shoulder loosened up.  

"There is something else as well," I say and breathe out deeply. 

"Okay?" My mom says, unsure. 

"You know Willow from Haven, right?" I ask, and she nods while taking a bite of her meal.

"Would you be mad if we were dating?" I say slowly while picking on my eggs with my fork. Her eyes widened as she started to chook on her food. I watch her worriedly until she is okay again. 

"You are what now?" She says, drying the tears. 

"Well, perhaps dating is not the right word, more like a relationship," I shrug and shrink down in my chair, which made my brother laugh. 

"Does that I mean I can get free pancakes?" He asks, and I frown at him because he is not helping. 

"Isn't she like mid-twenties?" My mother asks.

"She is twenty-two," I answer her, and she seems a bit lost.

"Really? I thought she was older," She scratches the side of her head.

"I mean because she is the owner, and all," My mom explains herself.

"She and her mother own it together," I explain. 

"Oh, okay. I don't have a problem with you being with someone older, but she is your boss after all, which is weird," She tells me, and I nod, not sure if she is okay with it or not. 

"You really are trying to piss your father off, aren't you?" She laughs, and I roll my eyes as I feel my cheeks turn up a degree. 

"Let's keep this away from him," She says seriously now, and I nod in agreement. 

"At least until we figure out who to tell him," My mom sounds almost as worried as I am. 

"Okay, let's talk about something else besides your dad. How did this happen?" She asks, and I stare out into the air, not sure how to respond. I can't tell her about the dreams; that would be strange. 

"We met first at a party that Alissa brought me to, then at Haven, and we kind of clicked," I explain to her. 

"I have always found Willow sweet and friendly," My mother's words made me smile. 

"She is," I agree with her. Willow is the most amazing person I have ever met. 

"How long has this been going on?" She asks me. 

"Well, I don't really know. I have worked there for a few months now, and Willow and I have been a bit complicated," I shrug, not sure who to responds to my mother. 

"Perhaps we can invite her for dinner today since it's your birthday, and it would be nice to meet her in a different setting," She offers, and a smile appears on my lips.

"Yeah, that would be nice; I can text her," I say, pulling out my phone.


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