5. Now You Look Perfect

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I told my dad that I had gotten a job. Honestly, I expected him to be happy and proud of me. He was until I explained to him what kind of job I had taken. He was upset, wondering if that is what I will do for the rest of my life, and he asked about the company if I am not thinking about its future. All I could think about was mine if he cared about my future.

I just kept my mouth shut and sent my mom a text about it. She was happy for me, and I guess that is enough for me to hear that at least one of my parents are proud of me. My brother asked if he could get free pancakes from now on. I told him, no, but I would pay for him.

It's the least I could do since he showed me that place. If it was not for my brother, I might never have found her again. He doesn't know that, but I am very grateful.

I still haven't told my friend Alissa about it. Simply because I just don't bother telling her every detail about everything I do, and I am scared she will embarrass me in front of Willow. That is why you have friends, isn't it? I should tell her, and I know that, but not just yet.

Today is my first day at work. I am nervous, and my stomach won't stop bothering me about it, but every bone in my body longs to see her. First, I have to discuss my contract with Willow's mother, and then she will make it ready for me to sign.

I just finished school and on my way to Willow's restaurant now. I hope I won't screw up that is what I am worried about because if I do, then I might not be tipped. It would be nice with some money of my own for a change.

Then I don't need to ask my dad or mom for some. I hate that, because dad always says, make your own money. I do now, but still, it doesn't satisfy him. I shouldn't really care, but still, I can't seem to.

I park the car and then find my way inside, looking for Willow or anyone at all. It's empty here, but still, it's early. Most are at work and won't go out until later in the evening.

"Hello?" I peek into the kitchen seeing Willow, who smiles right away.

"There you are, Harley. My mother is in the office." She indicates for me to follow her, so I do. We go through the restaurant, to the back where the bathrooms are, but also there are stairs, which Willow goes up, so I guess the office is up there. The first impression I get is how messy it looks here. Lots of papers are lying around in boxes and spread all over the floor.

"I know it's messy; I apologize for that." She says, kind of ashamed.

"I guess you haven't seen my room," I mumble louder than I expected. She peeks back at me, trying to hide her laugh.

"She is in here." Willow opens a door, and I see an older woman with short, gray hair sitting behind a desk.

"Hello." She says kindly, standing up to greet me.

"My name is Helen." The older woman smiles at me.

"I'm Harley." I smile back at her.

"You can sit down." She indicates, pointing at the chair on my side. I do as she says and watches Willow close the door after herself. I guess she is going back downstairs, preparing for the evening.

"Willow has told me lots of nice things about you," Helen says. I don't know, but for some reason, she seems happy about that.

"Okay." I smile, unsure of how to respond to her words.

"She told me that you are polite, curious, funny and that you have a nice smile," My cheeks turn so red that I look down at my hands. Why would she say that? Most of all, why say it to her mother.

"And by the looks of it, she is right." She tells me. There are so many compliments to digest.

"If she thinks you are perfect for this, then she is right," Helen says. I am perfect for this? Then why do I feel like a nervous wreck?

"How does she know I am perfect for it?" I wonder, confused by it all.

"I know my daughter." She smiles, but there is also sadness in her smile.

"Okay," I say, and watch her look through some papers.

"This is your contract, but we can also change if you don't agree with everything. As if there are schedules you can't have or anything like that. Willow told me that you still go to school, so I expect you to work in the evenings?" She asks me, and I nod lightly.

"I have set you up to work, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and every other weekend for a five-hour shift. Is that okay?" She asks me.

"I think so," I tell her. I don't really have anything to do in my spare time, except my friend Alissa and taking care of my brother, but I guess it can work out.

"Okay, then you just sign your name here, and then I will get you a copy at the end of your shift today." She smiles at me.

"Okay," I answer.

"Okay, good. Then get your pretty self back downstairs." She says, and I get out of the chair and give her a last smile before I stumble through the mess and then down to Willow.

As always, she gives me a smile when she sees me. Right now, she is cutting up ingredients, like carrots, onions, and other vegetables.

"Hey." I turn around to a nice voice, seeing a woman, not any older than Willow is.

"Hey," Willow lays down the knife on the bench and then dry her hands.

"This is Harley, she is new, and Harley, this is Grace." She informs both of us.

"Hi," I say nicely, and we shake hands.

"Welcome to Haven," Grace says; she seems very nice. She puts her light hair into a ponytail. Haven?

"Maybe you can show Harley where the uniforms are?" Willow asks Grace.

"Yeah, sure." She smiles at me too, and I follow her. She opens a closet and then looks at me up and down. I watch her strangely.

"I think these will fit you." She hands over some clothes for me.

"Okay." I find myself in the bathroom to change. Like Grace did, I put my brown, light hair in a ponytail. I don't want my hair to be in the food. That would be embarrassing, and I am not going to do that a lot today.

I got a nice gray shirt, which fits me perfectly since my eyes are gray. The pants are black, so I am very comfortable with the clothes I wear for work. It feels good and professional, but that doesn't mean I am.

I take a deep breath before I find my way back to where Grace and Willow is. They both stare at me as I fold my hands in front of me.

"I was right; they do fit you," Grace says and steps out of the kitchen while Willow remains silent. She is really looking at me; I am not even sure she has been blinked yet. The problem is that she is not smiling now like she usually does when she sees me. I wonder what she is thinking.

"You look good," She finds her way over to me.

"Just need to," She closes the last button on my shirt, which I left on purpose because it felt a little tight. Now she stares down into my eyes. Hers are beautiful, such a golden color.

"Now, you are perfect." She says and then turns back to what she was doing while standing here, almost with my mouth wide open. I guess I am ready.

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