12. Wait, what?

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Alissa and I are sitting on her bed in our pajamas and a random T-shirt. We are watching a movie, I think it was called Deadpool, I don't care, but it's hilarious. I'm glad she picked that movie, even though it has awkward scenes, but I needed something to laugh off, and I find it also adorable. Everything that guy would do to get back to the girl he loves.

Amazing what love can do to a person, huh? Just look at me. Hopelessly in love with someone, who tries to push me away, and I don't even know why. I sigh loudly of my thoughts, which was not supposed to happen, but it did. Ali looks at me, worried, which makes me more annoyed with myself.

"Are you okay? You are really quiet." She asks, her eyes full of concern.

"Yeah," I answer, but I can see her roll her eyes as she bumped her shoulder into mine, making me almost fall to the side of the bed.

"You are not okay, Harley. You have been in a weird mood for a while now. You barely talk; you are always gone in your head somewhere." I want to smile at how amazing she is to notice that kind of thing, but I can't.

"What is going on in there? Is it because of her?" She questions as I am just playing with the corner of her duvet to avoid her eyes.

"You know my dream, right?" I now look at her as she nods.

"Yeah, well, sometimes it changes, and now for days, someone has told me to take care of her. I don't know who it is, and every time I ask why Willow says because. It's not even an answer." I say in frustration and then groan.

"Why does that voice tell you to take care of her?" She asks, confused.

"I don't know," I shrug.

"But I have now realized that everything in my dream has a meaning," I tell her, which makes her shake her head as she closes her eyes.

"Wait; what?" She wonders, completely lost.

"When she touches my cheek, her hand is cold, and in reality, she is cold and hard to get through." says, and she nods thoughtfully.

"What about the other things?" She asks, but I shrug, feeling stupid for not understanding my dream at all.

"Well, every time she touches my cheek, then she leans in to kiss me, but it never happens," I tell her as I itch the side of my head, thinking very hard.

"Maybe she doesn't kiss you because she can't?" Ali shrugs, and I look at her questioning.

"What do you mean?" I wonder and watch her sit up straight as she put the movie on pause.

"You say she touched your cheek, and then she leans in to kiss you but disappears. Maybe she is trying to kiss you, but she can't. What the reason is, I don't know, but most likely the same reason why she is avoiding you." She shrugs, and I stare at her as if she cracked a complicated code, which is kind of true.

"You are telling me that there is a reason that she doesn't kiss me in my dream and why she is avoiding me?" I say, to make sure.

"Yeah, probably." She says, I knew that there was a reason she was avoiding me, but I didn't know there was one for not kissing me in my dream.

"Then what is holding her back?" I question aloud.

"I guess that's what you have to find out," Ali tells me.

"But what if she stays away from me because she doesn't like me?" I ask, which makes her raise her eyebrow.

"How could she not like you?" She says, but I roll my eyes with a sigh.

"Be serious for a second, please." I pout, annoyed.

"Well, of course, that is an option, but I doubt it." She smiles at me as she bumps her shoulder onto mine.

"Don't worry, okay? She has like four years or more experience in this world than you have." She says, which makes my thoughts run around all over the place. Ali is right; she is a grown-up after all. She knows more about life than I do.

She knows more, seen more, and experienced more. I wish I were good enough. That I could at least be at her level and not be so childish. She probably looks at me like a child.

I fall further and further down in Ali's bed, depressed with my thoughts. She is never going to like me, and maybe I should stop trying. Willow won't look at me like that. I'm just going to be a coworker and, if I'm lucky, a friend.

"I can see you are worried, Harley. Don't be okay?" She says, and I just nod; my whole body is filled with sadness. No words are going to make me feel any better. I need time to make it go away.

Ali leans her head on my shoulder, accepting the silence as she turns on the movie again. I am very thankful for having such a good friend. 

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