13. You should smile more often

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I'm having a horrible day today. My car is still not running. My mother is working late. My dad is on a business meeting in god knows where, and Alissa is sick today. I don't blame her; many different things are going around now since it's winter.

The only option I had was to call Willow to pick me up after school. Jake is going home with one of his friends. He doesn't really have one, but he needs to socialize more, at least that's what mom said.

Now I am just standing in front of the school waiting for Willow to come. I hope it won't take long. She didn't really have time to pick me up, but she did anyway. I could hear Grace in the background, telling her to do so. Even though I have my day off, I have to be at the restaurant.

She won't have time to drive me home; it will take too long. So I guess I can do my homework there and well, there is food, so no problem. I watch student after student drive pass me. It makes me sigh in annoyance. I wish I had my car right now. I could drive home, lay down in bed, and pretend that I don't exist.

I wouldn't say I liked that I had to call Willow to come and get me. She is the last person I would have wanted to see today. Well, no, not really. I do want to see her, but it's just that my thoughts and my feelings for her drives me insane.

"Hey, loser!" I sigh as I recognize who that is. Not today, please. I turn around, but then I feel the water being splashed all over me. I look down at my clothes, all soaking wet. This is not happening.

Jessica is standing in front of me, laughing so hard. I grit my teeth in anger, everything turning black as I am on my way to hit her down. I raise my hand, but someone keeps me from hitting her.

I spin around in a fury, wondering who is stopping me, but I calm down as I look up at green eyes. Willow is staring down at me, with no facial expression and with empty eyes. I can't read her; I don't know what she is thinking.

She is looking all over me, inch by inch, as I feel my body start to shiver from the cold. It's freezing, and the cold water I got hit with just made it thousand times worse.

"Are you okay?" She asks me, and I nod, even though I am freezing so much.

"Take off your jacket, sweater, and shirt." She says as she takes off her jacket.

"Go into the car and change, okay." She says as she hands me her jacket. I grab it and don't say anything as I get into the backseat. Willow stands in front of the window with her back, hiding me.

I struggle with taking off my clothes because my hands are shaking so badly, and my clothes are so sticky. I don't know what to do as I feel the tears slip down my cheeks, and I sit down, crying in frustration.

"Harley, are you done?" Willow asks, and I don't bother to answer. I can't answer; I'm crying my eyes out. I sit up with my arms around my knees and my head resting on them.

"Harley?" I see Willow pecking inside in my peripheral vision.

"Harley?" She says, worried after she opened the door.

"Hey." She sits down next to me and brushes my hair back to my shoulder so that she can see me.

"You need to change clothes, or you are going to get sick." Willow places her hand on my arm. Her skin feels like a hundredth degree more than mine. I don't say anything, keep looking forward as I feel the tears fall down my face.

"Harley, you are freezing, okay. You need to change your clothes." She tells me again.

"I-I can't." I tremble, burying my face down in my arms. Feeling ashamed and embarrassed about crying in front of her.

"Let me help you then." She says, but I shake my head.

"Just drive, please," I mumble in my arms, but then I feel her starting to push down my jacket.

"Don't," I say, moving away.

"Harley, you need to take off those clothes. You can't sit here and freeze." She tells me, and I shake my head again. I hear her sigh, probably in frustration.

"Come on, Harley." She touches my arm lightly. Her skin is so amazingly warm, and her touch so gentle. I turn to look at her as she doesn't move her hand away. When I meet her eyes, she smiles a little at me.

"Let's get them off." She says, and I sigh in surrender.

"Fine," I say, and a bigger smile comes across her face. It's not often I see her smile, and it's beautiful.

"You should smile more often." I bite my lip after those words slipped out of my mouth. Her eyes widen in shock and confusion. I can see a tiny hint of red on her cheeks as she moves to her seat.

"Let's just get you off these wet clothes." She says as she drags the jacket down my shoulders then fully off. We both struggle to get rid of my sweater. I am so cold that I can barely move, so honestly, she is doing all the work here.

"Okay, then it's your shirt and bra; you think you can do that on your own?" She asks me, and I raise my eyebrows as if she is kidding.

"I can barely move, Willow," I say almost in frustration.

"Okay," She nods.

"Turn around, and I'll help you." She says, and as I did moments ago, I can see her cheeks turn red. I turn my back to her and wait for her to drag those freezing clothes off. Now I can't stop my teeth from chattering and my body from shaking. It's so bad it hurts.

I feel her grabbing my shirt at my waist, and I wince at how cold it is when she tries to drag it off me, but then eventually, she gets it over my head. I sit here, waiting for her to take off my bra, which I must say is very, very awkward.

I turn my head to look at her, wondering why it's taking so long. She looks up, meeting my eyes right away. I turn forward again, questioning why she was staring at me for such a long time. Then I feel her hands on my back, loosening up my bra.

"You have a big scar on your arm," Willow says as the bra falls off my arms, and then she lays the jacket over my shoulders.

"I know," I put my arms inside and wrap my arms around myself.

"I got it some few years ago," I turn around to face her again.

"I fell from a tree, and a very sharp branch scratched up my arm. My friend drove me to the hospital. I had a concussion, and I had to stitch up my arm, of course." I say and shrug.

"What were you doing up in a tree?" She asks, and the look on her face makes me chuckle.

"Don't ask," I say, and a big smile comes on her face. I really like it.

"Okay, let's go, before Grace burns down my restaurant." She tells me, and I laugh.

"I can picture that happen." I laugh, and Willow looks at me with worried eyes, which I find amusing.

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