20. What are we?

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It's fully packed in the restaurant today.  The football team at school won the league, which is impressive, but I don't really care. I hate school and the people in it, except for my friend Alissa of course. Otherwise, it's a nightmare there, and now it's here at my workplace, lovely. 

They are everywhere. Boys wearing their blue jackets with pride makes them feel confident and think they are the kings of the world. Seriously? It's just football. 

The worst part is that the girls are hanging around them, like moths to a flame. All you need is to wear a blue jacket and look attractive, and they come running. Sometimes I wonder where their brains are. Some of the guys treat the girls like shit, and still, the girls wish for them. Well, I guess that is how the world works sometimes. 

"Harley!" I turn around to Willow's voice. She is looking so stressed out how I feel right now. She doesn't seem happy. 

"Yeah?" I ask as I step over to her, a little scared of what she will say. 

"Are you okay?" She wonders, which makes me surprised. 

"I'm okay, a bit stressed out, but okay." I smile, and she nods. 

"I can see that you are struggling, more than usual. Just take it easy, okay?" She says, and I nod as I take a deep breath. 

"I don't like them," I whisper, and a small smile comes across her face. 

"I don't like them either," She looks at them.

"Kids that age are the worst." I look at her, offended.

"Not you," She looks at me for a short while.

"You are different."  She tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, right." I chuckle, and she smiles at me as I go to take someone's order. It's going to be a long evening. 

I have been walking until my feet have started to ache; I have listened to shouting and screaming all night. Seen kids my age, kissing and touching each other. I tried telling them to calm down. That there are other people in here as well. Yeah, like they were going to listen. 

On the bright side, we are going to close soon, and most have left already. Just a few left, but I think they are on the way out now. At least they are counting money to pay the bill. 

I'm standing next to the door to the kitchen, listening to Willow cleaning up in there. Sometimes I peek, to take a look at her. It's hard not to. She is just that beautiful. 

"You need a hand?" I ask as I step in next to her. 

"No, I'm almost finished. Just make sure they pay and that everything is in its place." She says.

"Okay." I nod as I move my feet. 

"Harley?" I stop as Willow called my name.

"Yeah?" I ask and look at her. She seems nervous, but then she takes a cloth to dry her hands.   

"I was wondering if..." 

"Can I pay or what?" I watch two of the guys from school in the door frame. 

"Yeah, sure." I smile at them, even though I am not happy that they interrupted the conversation between Willow and me. 

I tell them to follow me to the cash register to pay. 

"Thanks." One of the guys with the blue jacket says and then step out the door. The other one hands over the money, but his hand is shaking a lot. 

"I was wondering," He starts, seems very anxious. 

"If you wanted to go out with me?" He asks, and it really took me off guard. Why would someone like him ask me? I mean there are lots of girls that have been around them the whole evening with them. 

"Why?" I ask, completely confused right now. 

"Because I wanted to." He shrugs; he seems so unsure and scared. Then I see Willow a few meters behind him, but she turns around to go back into the kitchen. She had a strange look on her face.

He seems nice, but they all do. I don't want to, and neither do I like them. All the awful images I get in my head of dating a football guy. Then there is also that I like Willow a lot. Who I want to be with. I know my chances aren't high, but I am willing to take that chance. 

"No, thank you," I say just as his friend came in the door, asking if he is coming or not. 

"Come on, please." He almost begs, but I shake my head with a sorry smile. He doesn't seem happy that I turned him down again. He sighs in irritation as he pushes his brown hair back. 

"Come on, just try, and we see how it goes." He reaches for my hand, but I take a step back. I'm glad I am behind the counter. 

"She said no." I hear Willow say behind the football guy, and he turns to face her. She is holding the mop in her hands to clean the floors. 

"I am not talking to you. I am talking to her." He says rudely, which makes me grit my teeth in anger. Now he is really crossing a line. 

"Get out of here." She says I can hear it in her voice that she tries not to sound angry. He looks at her with fury for a moment until he turns around to walk out the door, but he gives me a bad look before he disappears. That can't be good. 

Willow has a sorry look on her face as our eyes meet, but I turn to walk into the wardrobe to change my clothes. It's been a stressful and intense day, so I want to get out of these clothes for now.  

As I just finished taking on my hoodie, I heard the door open behind me. Willow is watching me while she is leaning on the door frame.  

"Are you okay?" She asks softly. 

"I'm fine," I say as I close the locker, and I almost jumped in my place after she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"I don't believe that." She whispers, holding me even tighter. It feels so good to be in her arms. The safest place I have ever been to. I really needed this. That guy really scared me. The worst part I go to the same school as him.

"What are we?" I ask as I turn around in her arms and hide my face in her shoulder, sinking into her like a broken ship. That is how I feel right now. A ship that has been fighting a storm for way too long, but not sure if I should abandon the ship or keep sailing to see if the passage can change to be on my side. 

"I don't know." She says, which makes me cling onto her much tighter.

"I don't like that answer," I whisper.

"I know I don't like it either." She tells me, which makes my head spin around in confusion.

"Why?" I wonder.

"Because I lost parts of me that made me whole, Harley." 

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