42. I feel safe with you

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I stopped the car in the parking lot outside of school, staring at the entrance to hell. Teenagers going through one after one as if the gates were swallowing them whole. I can't believe I'm comparing school to hell at this point.

Willow and I haven't spoken since yesterday. Apparently, after my rant, she and my mother spoke for a moment before she left. Mom came to my bedroom and wanted to talk about everything; as much as I didn't want to, she wouldn't go away.

I can understand her concern; I do, but I don't want it. I'm hardheaded sometimes, and I know that, yet I can't make it stop. It might be a curse I have from my father.

Taking a deep, long breath, I grabbed my backpack and exited the car. The entire way to the school entrance and though, my hands were trembling massively. This place, these people have left me with nothing but fear and anxiety. 

I pushed the hood of my jacket over my head and kept myself low as I found my way over to my locker. Unlocking it, I put in a few books from my backpack inside as I don't need them.

"Loser," I heard someone behind me say, and I turned slightly, seeing her, and another one kept on walking down the hall with a laugh. I let out a breath as I clenched my hand into a fist, trying to contain my anger. Closing my locker with a bang, I stepped down the hallway through the crowd as peacefully as I could. 

Until someone hit me with their shoulder causing me to stumble sidewise, I met her eyes, and I recognize her from my class in history. Katy is the one who dated Josh on and off for a while, the asshole who created this whole mess. Frowning, she stepped toward me, yet I stood my ground as she stared right into my eyes. 

"Stay away from him," She warned me, and I let out a snort. 

"Okay, you know what, Katy, I'm sick of playing this game. Josh and I never happened; he started a stupid rumor out of nothing," A couple of people started to stop around the both of us, questioning what is happening.

"Are you sure because of what I have heard," 

"I don't give a crap about what you have heard because it didn't come from my mouth. The last time I checked, nobody came and asked me," More school mates have appeared around us, everyone curious about how this situation is going to play out. 

"Nothing happened; it's all a lie," I blurted out in frustration, but people around started murmuring and whispering around me. Of course, they aren't going to believe me; Josh is like a god here. Katy watched me with unsureness, and I only let out a sigh. 

"I'm already in a relationship with someone; why would I throw that way," I told her lightly, and she seemed to understand me now as her whole face softened. 

"Harley?" I turned to my right as I heard my name being called out by a familiar voice. I smiled automatically, but it faded as I remember that Will and I argued the other day. What is she even doing here? I passed a few and found her with a confused look on her face. 

"Are you okay?" The moment she asked me, I burst into tears and threw my backpack onto the floor to hug her tightly. It took her a few seconds before I felt her arms taking hold of me.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled against her shoulder. 

"No, it wasn't fair of me to talk to you the way I did yesterday, Harley, I let my frustration take over me, and I should have been kinder to you. But you can really be stubborn," She chuckled lowly to her last words. 

"I'm sorry," I said again. 

"No, don't apologize for that; I don't mind it at all," She placed her hands onto my cheeks to move me back, staring down at me with her beautiful eyes. 

"I felt so bad about leaving you yesterday without a word that I hoped I would find you here this morning to apologize to you for my behavior," Will said as she brushed my hair behind my ear. I saw someone in the corner of my eye and notice it was Katy, and she smiled at me before she left. I hope that is a sign that everything is okay after all. 

"I only want to help, Harley, nothing more, and I'm sorry if I step over the line sometimes," 

"No, you didn't. I was in the wrong, and I'm sorry," I smiled apologetically. 

"I was childish," I explained, and she started to chuckle. 

"I'm not expecting anything less from an eighteen-year-old," She said cheekily, and I frowned at her comment. 

"You make me feel like a child compared to you," I comment, annoyed. 

"You have your moments," She grinned, teasing the blush out of me. 

"Does it bother you, my age? I mean, I'm like five years younger than you," I wondered worriedly, and she breathed out with a light smile. 

"No, Harley, because you are a bit mature for your age by the way you act and think. I have never met someone as considerate, thoughtful, and being so acceptable at heart," She said and leaned towards me to place her lips onto my forehead. Her words and kiss left my cheeks with a higher degree of heat.

"Does it bother you?" She asked in return, and I shook my head. 

"No, I feel safe with you," I answered, and her eyes widened as if she didn't expect me to say that at all. 

"Huh," She responded, not sure what to say, but then the bell rang. 

"I need to go," I let out a breath. 

"I know, and I'll see you at work," She smiled and wrapped her arms around my back to pull me closer to herself. 

"You will be okay, right?" She whispered as her forehead met mine. 

"Yes, I will be fine," I smiled at how much she cares. 

"Good, and, please tell me if there is anything wrong," Her eyes basically pleading at me. 

"Yes, I will," I said with a low laugh. 

"Thank you," She smiled.

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes as I brought up my hood over my head, which fell off when Katy hit me with her shoulder. Willow's face fell suddenly, and I was about to ask what was wrong, but she pulled down the hood from my head. 

"Why?" I asked, annoyed as I shook my head, and she smiled vividly.

"Because you are too beautiful to be hidden away," She said, and I gazed away in a hurry, too embarrassed to look at her.  

"I'll see you later," She said and placed a kiss on my temple as she chuckled. Smiling, she left in one direction and me in the other.

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