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A ship appears in the distance, a foggy mist surrounding the ship as it glides across the water. Two twin daughters, no more than 11 years old, stand on the edge, singing old pirate tunes. 

Drink up, me hearties

Yo ho

We kidnap and ravage

and don't give a hoot

Drink up me hearties

Yo ho

Yo ho

Yo ho

A pirate's life for me

We extort

We pilfer

We filch 

and sack

Drink up

A large hand approaches Anna-Marie's shoulder, quickly turning her around.

"Quiet, missy. Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them." The man tells the little girl.

"You condemn these pirates, only for the life they choose. It isn't fair. They can be good people too, Mr. Gibbs." A young Anna-Marie protests.

"Mr. Gibbs, that will do." Norrington tells the old drunk.

"She was singing about pirates. She's a pirate lover. It's bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words." Mr. Gibbs defends himself.

"Consider them marked. On your way." Norrington tells Gibbs.

"Aye, Lieutenant. It's bad luck to have women on board, too. Even the miniature ones." He grumbles.

"How come, Mr. Gibbs? I can do anything a man can do, and in some cases, I can do it better." Anna-Marie argues.

"Hush, Anna-Marie." Father tells her.

"I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate." Elizabeth begins.

"Agreed, sister. I think it'd be quite the adventure." I tell her, smiling.

"Think again, Miss Swann. Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. I intend that any man who sails under the pirate flag or wears the pirate brand gets what he deserves. A short drop and a sudden stop." He tells me.

"You would kill a man, only for wishing to be free?" I question, before turning to see Mr. Gibbs imitating a hung body.

"Lieutenant Norrington, I appreciate your fervor, but I'm concerned about the effects this subject will have upon my children." Father steps in.

"My apologies, Governor Swann." Norrington steps away.

"Actually, I find it all fascinating." Elizabeth tells father.

"Indeed. It intrigues me, Father." I tell him.

"Yes. That's what concerns me." He tells us, before walking away.

"Do you think we'll meet a pirate one day?" Elizabeth asks.

"Meet one? I think it'd be excited to fall in love with one." I tell her.

"You really think Father would allow it?" She asks.

"He can't allow something he doesn't see." I argue, smiling mischievously.

Elizabeth over looks the water, a parasol floating in the water.

We look, and a boy lays unconscious on the board.

"Look, A boy! There's a boy in the water!" Elizabeth shouts.

"Man overboard!" Norrington shouts, as they scramble to pull this boy out of the water.

"Man the ropes, fetch a hook! Haul him aboard!" Norrington shouts. They pull him aboard, and lay him down.

"Is he alright?" I ask Father.

"I'm not sure, Anna." He tells me.

"He's still breathing." Norrington tells us.

"Mary mother of God." Gibbs mutters. We turn around, to see a ship on fire.

"What happened here?" Father asks.

"It's the powder magazine. Merchant vessels run heavily armed. A lot of good it did them." Norrington responds.

"Everyone's thinking it. I'm just saying it. Pirates." Gibbs begins.

"You have no proof of that accusation, Mr. Gibbs. It could've been an accident." I tell him.

"Rouse the captain, immediately. Heave to and take in sail, launch the boats." Norrington commands.

"Elizabeth, Anna-Marie, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him." Father tells us, as we walk towards the boy.

Elizabeth caresses his face, as the boy gasps awake. He grabs her hand.

"It's okay. My name is Elizabeth Swann. This is my sister, Anna-Marie Swann." Elizabeth tells him.

"Will Turner." He responds.

"We'll watch over you, Will." She tells him, before he falls unconscious.

She notices something around his neck. A medallion.

"He's a pirate." I whisper. I know if anyone overheard me, they'd hang him. He looks no older than I am, he's a child. To kill a child for their parent's lifestyle, it's immoral. It's wrong.

"Has he said anything?" Norrington asks.

"His name is Will Turner, and that's all he said before passing out." I tell him. Elizabeth is not a good liar, they'd see right through her.

"Thank you, Anna. Take him below." Norrington commands. I look to my sister, to see her holding Will's medallion.

"Promise you won't tell?" She asks, holding out her pinky.

"I promise." I tell her, connecting our pinkies.

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