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I awoke next to Jack to the smell of things burning. Jack opens his eyes and looks over to me.

"Are you-" He asks.

"I smell it." I tell him, and we both get up.

He looks over and we both see my sister throwing things in a big bon fire.

"No! No! What are you doing?" Jack questions.

"Bethie! Stop! The food- the shade- how will we survive now?" I ask.

"Yes, the rum is gone." Elizabeth walks away from me.

"Why is the rum gone?" Jack asks.

"One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two that signal is over two thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for us. Do you think there is the slightest chance they won't see it? Anna-Marie, do you?" 

Elizabeth asks.

"Bethie-" I begin.

"Well?" She asks.

"I'm not going back to Port Royal. I refuse." I tell her.

"Then where will you go?" Bethie asks.

"We've always talked about this. I'd go and explore the world. Why should a baby change that? Just because I want to see the world, doesn't mean my child can't come with me. Besides, I know the truth now, Bethie." I tell her.

"The truth?" She asks, confusedly.

"I'm not your biological sister. I know. Barbossa is my true father. That doesn't change the fact that we're family. Always have been, and we always will be, but I want to learn about my heritage. The life of piracy." I tell her.

"You'll be killed." She whispers.

"Only if I'm caught." I answer back.

"Yes, but why is the rum gone?" Jack asks.

"Just wait, Captain Sparrow. Give it one hour maybe two, keep a weather eye open, and you will see white sails on that horizon." Elizabeth tells him, sitting on the beach, her back to him. He takes out his gun, cocks it, and debates on whether the shot is worth it.

He puts the gun back in his pants, and walks over to me. He grabs my hand, and we walk to the other side of the island. His hand in mine, he marches, upset, and angry that the rum is gone."Must've been terrible for you to be trapped here, Jack.' Well, it bloody is now!" He screams behind me."Jack, stop. Please, just calm down. She's actually right. If a signal of smoke is over a thousand miles high, the Royal Navy should see it. If the entire fleet is looking for her, and me, then we're getting off the island. Please." I plead.

"I'm sorry, darling-" he begins.

"No, don't apologize. I promise you, it'll all work out in the end." I tell him, and he smiles lightly, before kissing me gently."There'll be no living with her after this."

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