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I see the giant rock that sat upon my finger, as Jack stands at the hangman's rope.

"Jack Sparrow, you have been charged, tried, and convicted for your willful commission of crime against the Crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature. The most egregious of these to be cited herewith: piracy, smuggling-" The headsmen continues.

"This isn't right." I mumble, looking away from the ring on my finger.

"Commodore Norrington is bound by the law, as is Lord Cutler Beckett. As are we all." Father tells us.

William walks up to us.

"Governor Swann, Commodore, Anna-Marie. Elizabeth. I should've told you from the moment I met you-" He begins.

"Oh, it's happening!" I laugh, covering my mouth my hands.

"I love you." He tells her, walking off to the stage.

The hangmen puts the noose around Jack's neck.

"Marines!" Commodore commands, as he realizes what William's doing. 

It finally clicks in my head. He's giving me the one thing I've wanted most in this world.


The ability to leave this place and never return.

"Father- I can't breathe-" I tell them, as I fall backwards. Father and Elizabeth catch me.

"Anna-Marie!" He calls.

"Move!" I hear William yell.

As he pulls me up, William throws a sword under where Jack feet would land, as the hangsman pulls the lever and drops him. If he missed the sword, then he's dead.

"What-" Norrington begins, going for William.

William runs onto the stage, cutting Jack's rope, causing him to fall the rest of the way, without injuring himself. Jack uses the sword to cut the ropes from his wrist, granting him full mobility. Will grabs the other side of the ropes hanging from Jacks wrist and trips the guards that were running at them, then the ones coming from behind.

I take my dagger, and run out into the field, fighting off whatever guards chased after them.

"Miss Swann, I don't want to hurt you-" One of the soldiers state, nervously. I swing my dagger at him.

He drops his sword, and I pick it up off the ground, putting my dagger back in the pouch on my leg.

"Anna, I taught you how to make a sword, not to use it." William, jokes, stepping in front of me.

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