028 // oH sHI-

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Felix's POV

I went home after doing the most embarrassing shit I've ever did in my whole life, how could I act that way?! I never thought I could do that. I'm Lee felix, I'm tough, I'm a dominant but hyunjin got me so weak.

Hyunjin is very sincere with his words, I don't even know if he has ever lied to me, did he?

I'm slowly becoming soft towards him, and to be honest I've been asking myself how I really feel about him, if I combined all the things he had done to me. I just realized, he's treating me so special he's showing me too much affection that I got fed up with his love.

Love? too much.

I sighed, I turned to the door where seungmin came in. Tossing his bag to the side and plopped himself to the couch beside me.

"What's up?" I asked, seungmin just smiled in return.

"Seungmin, can I tell you something?" I said crossing my legs, seungmin once again didn't say anything and did some hand gestures for me to continue.

What's going on with this kid's brain.

I shrugged off, scooting closer to him. "Am i loveable?"

Seungmin shrugged and moves away from me, okay what the fuck is going on. I smacks his arm, earning a groan from him.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

I dont remember anything that i made him mad, did i? Did i made him mad and i didnt even know? Seungmin shrugs, mouth still shut.

"Are you mad?" I asked, tho sometimes i hate him of course i would feel bad if ever i did something to him, but i cant recall anything.

"You didn't tell me hyunjin kissed you." He huffs, crossing his arms like a child who didn't get what he wants.

"Who even told you that?" I said as i rested my hand on the back of the couch. "Hyunjin." He started, a smugly smile crept to his face, wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing way, i swear, this is one of the reason why i didn't tell him about it, i knew i would receive a teasing from him.

"You don't know how wide his smile is while telling me the whole details about how he captured your cold heart, i mean of course i'm a hyunlix shipper from the start ever since i caught you stalking him." He continued, i can't help but to smile on how fast he said that, yeah it's pretty obvious but what the fuck is a hyunlix.

"Hyunlix?" I said quitely.

"Oh i just combined your names, stop being a dumb fuck i know you know what it is." He giggled, this time i don't feel like hurting him since i'm in a good mood. Hyunjin has been in my mind since i woke up and i'm not even denying that.

"But did you liked it? the kiss? Is his lips soft? come on i need to know."

"Why do you even need to know, you know the answer."

"No i don't, tell me." He said, since i have no escape, sure i'll answer him.

"It's not bad, his lips is...yeah soft." I bit my tongue from spilling stupid words, but to be honest i like how his lips touched mine, i feel protected from some reason knowing that he just tamed me from being shitty and cold person to being soft, i'm not really saying i have totally given myself up. I'm still tough, same old shit.

"You're lying." He snickered, i furrowed my eyebrows together. "What makes you think that?"

"Dude you're on your unsual tone, do you even notice how your voice sounded."


"I know you're lying, you can't lie to your bestfriend."

"So tell me, you loved it, didn't you?" He continued as he nudges my side.

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