014 // (ಥ_ಥ)

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k.s_20 posted a new photo!

504,382 likes and others.
k.s_20 happy birthday hyung and please spare my life. @justfelix
weluvhyun: wtf- HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
h.hyunjin20: I gotta save this, no shit.
bianx: still a cutieee! happy birthday.
c.chan20: oi felix! happy birthday m8


Seungmin's POV

I just posted an ugly photo of felix, no offense.

I just wish he would spare my life as soon as see it but I think it's okay, it's his birthday after all!

I glance at the silver head beside me and slowly drop my phone.

I mentally prayed before talking to him.

This could be my last moment in earth, so this is the evidence if something happened to me.

"H-hyung." I scotted a bit away from him.

He hummed as his respond.

"You barely call me hyung, what's up?" He lifted his arm and wrap it around me, what's with him and he's being friendly right now.

I started to get nervous as sweats rolled down from my forehead.

I wipe it away before continuing. "I-it's your birthday, a-and-" he interrupted me.

"It's my birthday? Oh right! Geez how could I forget that. Thanks for reminding me, you're the best seungmin." He gave me a warm smile and I'm starting to regret what I did. Fuc-

"Oh I should post something." He took out his phone and opened his Instagram account.

I gulped.

"A-ah, hyung. I gotta go." Before he could stop me I quickly ran away and barge out from his apartment.

As I went out I leaned my back against the wall, sighing in relief.

I'm alive, I escaped, I'm safe. Now all I need to do is let felix calm and then everything will be still the same.

"I esc-" I felt someone's hand grip my sleeve and aggressively pull me back to the room.

"Ah! No! Hyu- felix! I'm sorry" I cried out.

"It's okay seungmin, I'll just teach you a lesson"

1 liek 1 prayer for seungmin.

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