021 // failed

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Hyunjin always get late whenever he's meeting someone, but this time. He's early, all settled. He even woke up 5 in the morning and excitement rushed over his body.

Hyunjin takes out his small mirror from his jacket's pocket and checks his hair, his collar, especially his face.

He winks and points at himself before clicking his tongue. "You look good man."

Hyunjin searches for his phone which is just in his pocket as well, his phone is empty, meaning that no one has texted him yet.

He didn't bring chan along with him as he wants to be alone with silver.

Hyunjin turns his heads to random directions, hoping he would recognise the silver, the cafe he's in is crowded, making it difficult for him to spot the person he's looking for.

Not until his eyes caught silver-haired man, he's not sure if it's him. But they have the same hairstyle, his back is facing hyunjin from a far.

"Felix!" He calls out.

He didn't turned around, hyunjin thinks that he didn't hear it so he stood up from his seat, walking towards the silver-haired boi.

As soon as he's finally close he places his hand atop of the boi's shoulder as it turned around with a confused look.

It turns out that it wasn't felix, the face is a total stranger, hyunjin cracks a smile before bowing a little.

"I'm sorry, wrong person." He scratches his nape, walking back to his seat.

"Fuck, embarassment."

The cafe has a TV hanging on the ceiling, he decided to just entertain himself before losing his patient.

The show already ended a minute ago and felix haven't showed up, causing hyunjin to get impatient each minute passes. He taps his fingers on the table making a loud sound but he doesn't care at all.

1 hour have passed and hyunjin starts to think that felix would just skip him, now it tells why felix quickly agrees to hyunjin's invite through their phone call yesterday. He wasn't actually going to show up, Hyunjin lowers his head, fingers already tired of tapping. Feeling betrayed.

He sighs. "Felix, what the fuck are you doing to me." He talks to himself as he glued his eyes to his thighs, moving it up and down in a fast pace. One of his mannerism.

He kept on looking his thighs, his eyes went up to the feet that stops infront of him and his heart beat accelerate, hoping that it's the man he's waiting for.


━━ ❪ 🌺 ❫

"What the actual fuck, bang chan."

"I knew felix wouldn't come so I came here instead." Chan says as he pulls the chair across hyunjin.

Of course hyunjin felt sad and disappointed at the same time, who wouldnt feel that when someone you were expecting to see just completely forget you.

"I hate you, felix." Hyunjin quitely said, not really minding that chan was just watching him with a concern look.

If chan had to say it, this the first time he witness hyunjin being a sad kitten. Usually he wouldn't care about this situations, I guess felix has a big impact on him.

"I'm sure felix has his reasons." Chan tries to comfort him.


"Like no shit, I prepared so early in the morning." Hyunjin clenched his fist.

━━ ❪ 🌺 ❫

It's been a week since they last talked, felix got curious when hyunjin hasn't message him, not even a single word. Usually, he would bother the older everyday, every minute.

And he knows why.

Felix wasn't being harsh towards him again, an important event happened on the same day hyunjin and him were supposed to meet, if felix has to admit. He'd like to see the younger too, but unfortunately, he couldn't make it, he failed to make up with hyunjin.

Felix felt bad that he didn't have the urge to make up to him through text, making him look like a chicken. He chickens out everytime if it's about his feelings.

Felix took a deep breathe and ruffled his hair, letting his back sink on the mattress.

"Ya, why the fuck hyunjin kept on ranting on me about something." Seungmin says as he walks in.

"He kept saying how frustrated he is, I wonder why." Seungmin hums at the end of his sentence, grabbing a chair from felix's table and drags it near the bed and sat on it right away, he sounds sarcastic as he already know the reason.

"Shut up, I'm tired." Felix mumbles, pulling a pillow over his head.

"Yeah tired from laying around, Netflix and chill, have you paid the bills?" Seungmin sounds sarcastic which made the other annoyed.

Felix grunts as his response, doesn't really have the energy to talk.

"I know I keep reminding this to you but, please be nice to him." Seungmin said and with that, he exits felix's room, sighing after.

"I know." Felix murmurs, gripping his phone tighter.

━━ ❪ 🌺 ❫

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Liked by k.s_20 and 841,936 others.
h.hyunjin20 looking happy as ever.

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Liked by justfelix and 793,168 others. k.s_20 seungmin in the buildinnnng~
iyaiya: ugly af.
bianx: iyaiya do u want me to smack u with seungmin's building?

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